Minnesota Turkey welcomes new Executive Director Sarah Anderson


The Minnesota Turkey Growers Association (MTGA) and the Minnesota Turkey Research & Promotion Council (MTRPC) are proud to announce and welcome Sarah Anderson to serve as their new Executive Director.

Anderson previously served as a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives from 2007 to 2019. In her role as a legislative leader and Chair of the State Government Finance Committee, Anderson was recognized for her ability to work across the aisle to find efficiencies in state government.

Anderson most recently served as the Executive Director of the Literacy Matters Foundation where she led strategic planning, streamlined organizational finances and implemented restructuring.

As one of thirteen children growing up on her family’s farm near Atwater, Anderson recalls the valuable work ethic farm life instilled in her. Her agriculture background also led her to join the staff of former Speaker of the House Steve Sviggum, where she promoted the importance of the agricultural community to the state of Minnesota.

“Sarah Anderson is a proven leader with advocacy experience and roots in agriculture,” said Paul Kvistad, MTGA board President. “Her agriculture background and professional experience make her an ideal fit for our association.”

Anderson currently resides in Plymouth, Minn., and earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota Duluth. She will join MTGA on April 6, 2020.

The MTGA is a trade association that advocates for the interests of the Minnesota turkey industry. MTGA members include independent and integrated turkey growers, turkey processors and breeders, and allied industry members. Its affiliated organization, the MTRPC, oversees the Minnesota turkey checkoff funds to underwrite turkey research and promote public education regarding the turkey industry.