2020 National Poultry Show Convention: Statement on Novel Coronavirus


In the context of the recent outbreak of novel corona virus (COVID-19), the Poultry Industry Council would like to clarify the following:

Based on current information, the National Poultry Show will proceed as planned on April 8th and 9th, 2020 at the Western Fair District in London, Ontario. We are continually monitoring and assessing any new developments and will provide updates if new information becomes available.

Poultry Industry Council is committed to providing a safe and healthy National Poultry Show and puts the health and welfare of our stakeholders at the forefront of our planning.

In conjunction with our show partners Western Fair District, collectively we are monitoring updates as provided by the three relevant levels of public health in Canada – the local health unit (Middlesex London Health Unit), Ontario Health, and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Today, all three agencies have assessed the risk as LOW in London, in Ontario, and in Canada.

We look forward to hosting another successful show and ask that attendees follow some guidelines to ensure we are supporting a healthy show environment for ourselves and others:

  • If you are feeling ill at the time of the show or have recently traveled in an area impacted by COVID-19, please consider joining us next year
  • Ensure you wash your hands frequently and make use of hand sanitizer
  • Avoid shaking hands, consider an elbow bump instead and maintain social distance

For local information on COVID-19 please review the following links:

Middlesex London Health Unit

Ontario Health

Public Health Agency of Canada


The Poultry Industry Council Team