Egg products HACCP rule published


After some delays for technical reasons, the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) formally published its regulation requiring Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) plans in egg product plants. The final regulation was announced September 9, but could not take effect until published in the Federal Register, which occurred on October 29. Certain parts of the regulation will take effect December 28, but its major components have longer implementation schedules. Requirements for Sanitary Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs) will be enforced starting October 29, 2021, and requirements for HACCP plans will be enforced beginning October 31, 2022.

FSIS has informed the UEA Further Processors Division that the agency will conduct outreach and education webinars, and UEA will organize a meeting for its membership to review the new rules. When the regulation was proposed, UEA commented extensively and arranged for FSIS officials to provide information to the membership. FSIS has also prepared an Egg Products Hazards and Controls Guide and is seeking comments on the document by December 28.