Integrator Feed Facility of the Year Applications Now Open


The American Feed Industry Association (AFIA), in coordination with  Feedstuffs and cosponsor U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY), has opened the application  phase for its Integrator Feed Facility of the Year (FFY) program. The program is open to all AFIA and  USPOULTRY member integrator feed facilities.

“We are excited to recognize the integrator feed facilities that prioritize topnotch safety, quality and  food safety and production efficiency,” said Gary Huddleston, the AFIA’s director of feed manufacturing  and regulatory affairs. “Many of our members go above and beyond in keeping their operations running  safely and efficiently, so it’s good to acknowledge them.”

The AFIA has been recognizing excellent feed manufacturing facilities since 1985. In 2016, the AFIA  created four distinct manufacturing categories to be more inclusive of our industry facilities. In 2021, the  FFY program separated each category into its own individual program: liquid feed, commercial dry,  premix and ingredient, and integrator, with each category having its own facility of the year award.

“We are proud to partner with AFIA to recognize the hard work and dedication of feed mill staff for our  members across the country. This award highlights the professional, efficient and safe activities of these  crucial facilities,” remarked John Starkey, USPOULTRY president.

The application phase for the Integrator Feed Facility of the Year is now open and submissions, with the  $100 application fee, are due by Oct. 21. The winner will be announced at USPOULTRY’s Feed Mill  Managers Seminar in March 2022. Learn more at