MPF Wraps Up Successful In-Person Convention and Announces Executive Leaders for 2022-2023


The Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) Convention welcomed attendees and exhibitors back in-person to the Minneapolis Convention Center for the first time since 2019. The event featured 280 companies in the exhibit hall, a variety of education sessions and networking opportunities, and total registration at nearly 2,300.

“While attendance was impacted by the ongoing highly pathogenic avian influenza situation in the poultry industry, those who attended MPF were thrilled to be back in-person with colleagues, customers, and friends and the mood was overwhelmingly positive,” said President Ross Thoreson. “The convention provided incredible value to both attendees and exhibitors and we look forward to channeling this momentum into 2023.”

The MPF Board also announced its executive leaders for 2022-2023, approved by the MPF Board of Directors at its March 22 meeting in Minneapolis, MN. Officers include:



Ross Thoreson of Story City, IA, assumes the role of President of MPF. Thoreson is an allied representative on the Board, and his company, Best Veterinary Solutions, is an exhibitor at the MPF Convention.

Vice President

Lisa Beohm, Phoenix, AZ, will serve as Vice President of MPF. Beohm represents the Iowa Poultry Association on the board and also works for Henning Companies, an exhibitor at the MPF Convention.

Secretary / Treasurer

Blake Renner Van Denburgh, North Oak Park Heights, MN, was appointed Secretary-Treasurer of MPF. Van Denburgh is an allied representative on the Board and his company, Cargill, is an exhibitor at the MPF Convention.

Past President

Scott Waldner, Purina Animal Nutrition LLC, New Ulm, MN, shifts to the role of Past President and represents the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota (CEAM) on the Board.

Also at the March 22nd MPF Board meeting, Van Denburgh was appointed to his second term as a director on the MPF Board.

Looking ahead, the 52nd annual Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) Convention will be held April 11-13, 2023 at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, MN. Further details on the 2023 show will be available this summer.

In addition, watch for a new name for the MPF Convention as well as whole new look and logo that will be unveiled in the coming months.

Potential exhibitors may contact Teresa Sorenson to inquire about booth space: or 763/284-6763.

Suggestions regarding educational workshop content are always welcome. Please direct all suggestions, feedback, questions and requests for information to Lara Durben at 763/284-6763 or e-mail