National Poultry Show Update


Put your best foot forward at this year’s National Poultry Show – Industry Open House

2022 National Poultry Show- Industry Open House – Update

For poultry producers, on the heels of two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is a current event that is testing the industry once again. Poultry Industry Council (PIC) and Western Fair Association (WFA) wanted to update our stakeholders that we continue to plan for our in-person event, the National Poultry Show – Industry Open House, June 22, 23 2022. We would like to advise you of some of the safety measures that will be implemented to support this important industry event in light of HPAI.

The Industry Open House, moved to June and modified to accommodate the rescheduling of the 2022 National Poultry Show (NPS) in April of this year, has been extremely well received. We anticipate we will see a strong turn-out of poultry producers, industry partners, and suppliers in London at the Western Fair District – Agriplex, to support this important agri-industry event. To ensure the event’s success, we want to share some important messaging and practices being put in place to safeguard industry attendees.

On March 26, 2022, the Feather Board Command Centre announced the entire Ontario poultry industry MUST follow heightened biosecurity measures. Western Fair District and Poultry Industry Council are committed to running a safe Industry Open House with the following measures to reduce introduction or spread of this virus or other potentially harmful diseases into our industries:

  • After two years of Covid-19 messaging and restrictions, as well as with lessons learned from the 2015 Avian Influenza, we know our producers and our industry are on a much better footing to practice safe biosecurity when attending a public event.
  • All attendees, exhibitors and sponsors should plan for attending our event as they would anytime they leave the farm. This includes clean, non-barn footwear, a clean vehicle and good hygiene practices. For an up-to-date listing of recommended biosecurity measures, please see the guidance from the Feather Board Command Centre: and OMAFRA:
  • We are asking all attendees from farms that have tested positive for HPAI or are in CFIA-identified control zones to remain free from contact with wild birds, farm animals, deadstock or mortality for a minimum of 5 days before visiting the National Poultry Show in June.
  • We are asking all exhibitors that have visited a farm that has tested positive for HPAI or are in a CFIA identified control zone to remain free from contact with wild birds, farm animals, deadstock or mortality for a minimum of 5 days before visiting the National Poultry Show in June.
  • As is customary at this event, there are no live birds on site, or live birds or poultry products being transported to and from the event. All equipment, including displays and shipping equipment, is to be clean and sanitized when arriving at the show, as it would be anytime you are entering an urban area.
  • Disease prevention and biosecurity on farms is essential to limiting the spread of this disease. Please pay special attention while preparing to attend this event.

Thank you for your work to protect our poultry industry and prevent the spread of HPAI.

The 2022 NPS Industry Open House will feature a blend of tradeshow, professional development, networking, and a wide array of products and services, along with an outdoor food truck court and seating– so plan to grab a bite while you are at the show.  With these safety measures in place and the event’s dates later in the migration season, our focus is on providing a low-risk gathering point for producers to greet one another after two years of restrictions, educate themselves on the latest products, innovations, and opportunities.

We are looking forward to seeing you – safely – in-person at this year’s event. For more information, please visit