Green and sustainable profitability with heat recovery


Axel Månsson is one of Denmark’s leading producers of organic vegetables and eggs. The 40+ year old company places premium on quality and fresh products while showing care to the surrounding environment. A focus on flexibility and innovation has helped Axel Månsson stay above the trends of the Scandinavian food market and work in cooperation with customers and suppliers. One of their newest project was the construction of a breeding farm.

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Animal welfare, optimal indoor climate at the best cost efficiency

“The starter barn should provide the best possible combination of welfare, production environment and operating economy”, says Axel Månsson.

The normal body temperature of chickens varies between 40°C to 42°C and to keep them in their “comfort zone”, the barn is usually heated up to 36 °C. As heating has big impact on the operating costs, Axel Månsson decided to install a heat exchanger.

The choice of Munters Heat-X-Rotate

“It has been important for us to choose a heat exchanger that is operationally reliable and easy to maintain,” says Axel Månsson.

Munters Heat-X Rotate is an air-air heat exchanger developed to recover heat from the exhaust air, with an innovative technology.
Munters is providing an affordable, easy to use and high-performing solution.

According to Axel Månsson, there are key benefits to the Heat-X Rotate:

Automatic Cleaning: the large rotor wheel that transfers the heat is cleaned automatically whenever needed. A trolley with air nozzles ensures free passage of air through the rotor at all times. As the rotor wheel is always kept clean, there is also no need for additional cleaning between flocks and without water usage.

Efficient Control: Munters Heat-X Rotate is equipped with a control unit, connected to the climate controller. This way, the heat recovery system can completely manage and control the operation at every pressure level.

Simple and Compact: the heat exchanger is extremely compact and is delivered 95% assembled. It is largely cubic and measures about 2.4 m on each side. Normally, the heat exchanger is placed on a concrete platform along the facade of the house, and the air will be led in through a supply unit that follows the ceiling slope.
Due to the design of the house at Axel Månsson’s estate, they chose to place the unit on a 2.4 m high steel platform at the end of the house.

“The first flock of chickens has now been in the barn, and they seem to be having a great time”, says operations manager Hans Klemmensen. “The barn is divided into four squares with three-meter-high partitions, so we have been a little excited about whether the climate uniformity could be ensured throughout the barn. It seems that the air is very similar in all areas and corners of the barn.”

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Quick facts

  • Automatic cleaning
  • Efficient control: up to 85% efficiency of heat recovery
  • Simple and compact design
  • No costs and pressure losses due to pre-filtration
  • No condensation and water waste
  • AxelMånsson_Case Study
Heat-X Rotate
Heat-X Rotate
Heat-X Rotate
Heat-X Rotate