HATCH for Hunger interview with Daniel Leckie – Executive Director



HATCH is on a mission to deliver nutritious animal protein to families and children in need. In an interview with PoultryProducer.com’s Poultry TV, HATCH Executive Director Danny Leckie explains how the organization has worked with egg producers, food banks and food pantries in 19 states to supply 5 million dozen eggs to families across the United States, and how the need continues to grow with rising food prices.

Guest Bio:
Danny Leckie serves as HATCH for Hunger’s executive director. The Florida native has extensive agriculture experience, having served in several sales, marketing and product management positions at Dow AgroSciences and Corteva Agriscience. Leckie is a University of Florida graduate, married and the father of three children. When not promoting animal protein and spending time with his family, he enjoys playing golf and has even recorded three hole-in-ones.