Raising Back Yard Chickens Webinar March 25th open for Registration




Registration is now open for PIC’s Raising Backyard Chickens Webinar. The session will be held on Saturday, March 25th from 10:00 am to 1:30 and will cost participants $35.00.  All attendees must pre-register using the online link below.

The trend of raising backyard chickens is growing. People are becoming more interested in where their food comes from, and want to ensure access to quality eggs and chicken, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Does urban farming appeal to you now more than ever?  Wonder what it takes to have a small backyard flock?  Looking for a steady supply of fresh, local eggs?

Many municipalities in Canada approve the growing of chickens however many have questions about welfare, environment, winter management, manure management, and maintaining good health of their birds.

The Poultry Industry Council’s webinar along with Al Dam, OMAFRA’s Poultry Specialist, addressed these questions, as well as covering the basics of chick care, egg quality, feed and nutrition, and disease management.

  • Have your questions answered
  • Troubleshoot
  • Learn about useful equipment
  • Ensure animal welfare and biosecurity

Want to hear more about the course, watch this short informational video.

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