Indiana-based HATCH Provides Egg Coolers to Food Pantries


Six Indiana food pantries now have new coolers to store the eggs they receive thanks to a donation from HATCH, a national nonprofit based in Carmel, Ind., that partners with egg producers, food banks and food pantries to bring high-quality protein options to food-insecure families.

“Our ministry thrives by giving out food and offering a free breakfast, and this cooler unit has been a blessing and made it easier to have room for our eggs and food to serve the public,” said Jennifer Horning, a director for Soldiers in the Army of the Lord, a Connersville, Indiana, food pantry.

The commercial-grade coolers, which can hold over 200 dozen eggs, have been installed at these local food pantries:

The HATCH-branded egg coolers will allow for year-round storage of high-quality eggs that food-pantry patrons can rely on being available every time they visit. “We are thrilled to have again partnered with local food pantries to provide them with additional infrastructure to enhance their ability to better serve their clients who deserve high-quality protein such as fresh eggs,” says Danny Leckie, executive director of HATCH.

“We at Mid-North Food Pantry, where space needs vary from week-to-week — and even day-to-day — love our versatile new cooler to help meet our needs,” says Susan McMahon, Lead Coordinator at Mid-North Food Pantry.

Established in 2015, HATCH partners with multiple egg farms across the nation and with more than 60 food banks in 24 states.

States in yellow represent states HATCH serves.States in yellow represent states HATCH serves.

In 2022, HATCH helped provide more than 5 million dozen eggs to food banks, which sent them to over 15,000 food pantries. In its seven-year history, HATCH has supplied 50 million two-egg meals.*

HATCH for Hunger donated coolers like these to six Indiana food pantries that will be able to house fresh eggs from the farmers who collaborate with HATCH, providing high-quality protein to food-insecure families.