Cracking the Code of Laying Hen Nutrition: Tips and Tricks – Dr. Pratima Adhikari


Nutrition plays a vital role in the production of laying hens – and it all begins with pullet nutrition. Providing the birds with a well-balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs from the outset is crucial, and so their feeding program should be tailored according to their age, weight, and production stage. Also, it should never be forgotten that adequate nutrition not only promotes optimal egg production, but also enhances the overall health and welfare of laying hens. In this episode, Dr. Pratima Adhikari sheds light on the significance of nutrition for the growth and development of laying hens by emphasizing the importance of providing them with a balanced diet that meets their nutritional requirements throughout their entire lives.

“A good layer is built upon a good pullet. So it’s definitely all about feed conversion and getting the animals to put on body weight before they lay.” – Dr. Pratima Adhikari