In a groundbreaking philanthropic collaboration, Jennie-O Turkey Store joined forces with NBC’s Today Show for an unprecedented 24-hour turkey giveaway marathon, establishing a new Guinness World Record, as announced in a recent press release.
During this extraordinary event, Jennie-O distributed a staggering 15,000 whole turkeys in a single day, featuring appearances by Today Show weather and anchor Al Roker alongside representatives from Jennie-O. This massive contribution was dedicated to local partners of Feeding America, the largest anti-hunger charity in the United States.
Half of the donated turkeys were allocated to the New York area, benefiting organizations such as Food Bank for New York City and City Harvest, both partners of Feeding America. Simultaneously, the remaining 7,500 turkeys were dispatched to Greater Chicago Food Depository, one of Feeding America’s essential partners in Chicago.
A fleet of eight Jennie-O semi-trucks embarked on a journey from Minnesota to New York and Chicago, ensuring that each turkey was personally delivered to its Feeding America destination. Each turkey bag included not only a whole turkey but also a wealth of culinary resources, including cooking tips, recipes, and information about the Jennie-O® brand team’s 1-800-TURKEYS hotline.
In a separate act of generosity, Jennie-O committed to donating over 5,000 turkeys to various charities across the United States, showcasing the company’s dedication to combating food insecurity.
This remarkable initiative goes beyond a simple turkey donation, demonstrating a commitment to community well-being by empowering recipients with the tools and knowledge to make the most of this substantial contribution. Jennie-O Turkey Store’s record-breaking feat underscores the positive impact that corporate social responsibility can have on addressing crucial societal issues like hunger.