Hy-Line Donation Funds Future Research


Hy-Line International, the world leader in layer poultry genetics, along with its sister company, Hy-Line North America, the largest commercial layer chick distributor in the US, recently made a sizable donation for future research in poultry genetics, breeding, nutrition, air quality and environment control at the new Robert T. Hamilton Poultry Teaching and Research Farm at Iowa State University. The Hy-Line Genetics Research Wing will focus on unique genetic lines developed and maintained at Iowa State for decades.

“Adoption of new technology and improvements in the science of genetics drives progress for Hy-Line, as well as economic progress in our state and industry. It allows for faster and more efficient genetics to be delivered to the market,” says Jonathan Cade, president of Hy-Line International. “This facility also will be key to promoting attractive careers in the poultry industry and supplying a sustainable protein around the world, which is increasingly more welfare friendly and aligned with consumer demand.”

Construction for the farm is currently underway. This new state-of-the-art facility will replace several outdated buildings currently serving as the Iowa State University Poultry Research Farm. It will include an atrium and public viewing area to welcome visitors for educational tours to learn about commercial layer production.