Effect of low protein diets supplemented with free amino acids on growth performance, slaughter yield, litter quality, and footpad lesions of male broilers

Poultry Science, Volume 98, Issue 10, October 2019, Pages 4868–4877, https://doi.org/10.3382/ps/pez229


A study with 884 Ross 308 male broilers, housed in 68 floor pens (0.75 m2) from 0 to 35 days of age was conducted to evaluate the effects of low crude protein (CP) diets, with partial replacement of soybean meal by free amino acids (AA), on performance, slaughter yields, litter quality and footpad lesions. During the first 11 d, all broilers received the same control starter diet (216 g/kg CP, 11.5 g/kg apparent fecal digestible (AFD) lysine, and 2900 kcal/kg AMEn). Thereafter, four experimental feeding programs with different levels of dietary CP (control and control with 1% (CP-1%), 2% (CP-2%) and 3% (CP-3%) less CP units) were provided in both the grower and finisher phase. In the control grower and finisher diet, the CP content was 208 and 198 g/kg, respectively. All diets were formulated to meet or exceed the recommendations concerning AFD AA, and to be iso-caloric within each feeding phase. Feed and water were provided for ad libitum intake during the entire experimental period.

None of the low CP feeding programs affected body weight gain, feed intake or mortality from 0 to 35 d. However, CP conversion was improved with the reduction of CP content of the diet. Broilers fed the CP-2% or CP-3% feeding program had an improved feed conversion ratio. Broilers fed the low CP protein feeding programs had a better litter quality and less footpad lesions, compared to broilers fed the control feeding program. Broilers fed the CP-3% feeding program had a lower breast meat yield than broilers fed the control feeding program. Slaughter yields of broilers fed CP-1% or CP-2% feeding program did not differ from the control feeding program. This study demonstrated that the CP content of grower and finisher diets can be reduced by 2.2–2.3% units without adverse effects on growth performance of broilers, while CP reduction seems promising to reduce nitrogen excretion from broiler houses, improve bird welfare, and reduces dependence on vegetable protein sources.

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