Source: Hybrid Turkey’s
Did you know the same genetic strain or product, raised in two different environments can achieve different results in performance? This is known as the “genotype by environment” effect (GxE). Our balanced breeding program accounts for GxE in a number of different ways to ensure that our turkeys perform well in a commercial environment; however we are raising the bar even further by establishing a Pedigree Complex in Europe.
This new Pedigree complex will be added to the existing one in Canada. By studying and making selections, in two separate geographic areas, we can offer products even further tailored to the production systems and environments of our customers around the world.
Dynamic solutions

By establishing a pedigree facility in Europe we are able to select breeder candidates raised in similar conditions as their future offspring. In doing this we can speed up adjustments in the breeding program and adapt to changes in the market even faster than we do now. In addition, we will be able to compare data of animals in the same family from breeding through distribution, in local growing conditions, which provides a more robust product offering.
Our pedigree facilities will raise not only our core turkey strains, but also our coloured turkeys that are designed to address the needs of alternative and traditional market sectors
Leading in biosecurity
Our new pedigree complex will feature leading biosecurity measures to safeguard the turkeys of the future. All barns on the pedigree complex will require employees to shower-in and change clothes. This procedure ensures all potential pathogens or bacteria are removed prior to entering each barn. Risk of cross contamination is removed since each barn functions like a stand alone facility.
Performance enhancements

The future is bright
The process to establish this Pedigree Complex is already in motion. First hatches to populate the facility began in April of this year. We anticipate the complex to be in full use by the end of the year.
We are proud to establish this complex in Europe as it remains a strong and important part of our business, both for Hybrid Turkeys and the other species within Hendrix Genetics. Our world-class team of research and development experts allow us to constantly improve our genetics to offer products the market demands. In addition to this, our support team remains available to ensure customers get the best possible results for their business.