Consumer demands for chickens raised without the use of antibiotics, legislative restrictions, and trade opportunities have encouraged many integrators within the poultry industry to raise poultry without antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) and ionophores. However, with the removal of AGPs and ionophores, the incidence of enteric diseases such as coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis (NE), caused by Eimeria spp. and Clostridium perfringens, respectively, have increased, thereby gaining the attention of the poultry industry to look for alternative strategies to improve bird’s health. Coccidiosis and NE are 2 major enteric disease concerns in broilers because of their association with decreased performance, increased mortality, reduced welfare, and a higher risk of poultry product contamination. Necrotic enteritis is often induced after a coccidiosis infection and any factor that causes stress, reduces immunity, and disturbs intestinal ecosystem. Nutritional mitigation strategies have been widely used to reduce such enteric diseases with a greater focus on balanced gut health. Some of the nutritional interventions that have shown potential for improving gut health while reducing overall disease include the use of probiotics, prebiotics, organic acids, essential oils, vaccination, and natural phytochemical extracts in poultry diets. A better understanding of the relationship between nutritional strategies, coccidiosis, and NE is crucial to improve gut health in the absence of AGPs in poultry production. This review will provide information and updates pertaining to current research focusing on several nutritional strategies that have helped to alleviate coccidiosis and NE, by modulating performance and gut health aspects.
Key words
Description of problem
Removal of antibiotics growth promoters (AGP) has drawn concerns because of a greater population of consumers demanding antibiotic-free poultry. As the world is marching toward antibiotic-free production, some concerns over poultry health that is directly related to the welfare and economics of production cannot be neglected. Owing to the high economic losses associated with poor weight gain and feed efficiency, mortality, and medication costs, enteric diseases are of the greatest concern. Among the enteric diseases, necrotic enteritis (NE) is the most concerning disease to poultry and is caused by Clostridium perfringens [1]. The cost of NE to the global poultry industry was estimated to be closer to $ 6 billion annually, and this includes the cost associated with control measures as well as production losses [2]. Owing to the great loss NE causes to the poultry industry, attention is now being focused both on treatment and control of the disease using management and gut health strategies. The objective of this review is to provide an understanding of the current research focusing on pathogenesis and several nutritional strategies that have helped to alleviate coccidiosis and NE, particularly by modulating various gut health aspects.
Necrotic enteritis
Morphology, Toxins, and Pathogenesis
C. perfringens is a gram-positive, rod-shaped, spore-forming, anaerobic bacterium. It is commonly found as a normal inhabitant of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in humans and animals [3]. Distribution of C. perfringens is also common in environments such as soil, water, and feed [4]. It is an enteric pathogen that acquires nutrients from host animals by rapidly destroying tissues, and therefore, tissue necrosis is one of its pathological hallmarks. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in understanding the pathogenesis and the prevention of NE in chickens in the absence of antibiotics. C. perfringens pathogenesis has been discussed extensively in a few studies such as Van Immerseel et al. and Prescott et al [5, 6]. However, this review will provide an update and progress of the NE together with the control attempts that are still under investigation. The C. perfringens produces at least 12 different toxins, which are associated with the occurrence of NE in chickens. Not all the C. perfringens inhabiting the chicken gut are pathogenic, and only few of the strains are virulent and are pathogenic. Four major extracellular toxin types, namely alpha (α), beta (β), epsilon (ε), and iota (ι), are produced by biotypes of C. perfringens A, B, C, D, and E [7]. Type A strains are most widespread and found in the GI tract as well as environment. All strains of C. perfringens produce α-toxin, whereas type A produces α-toxin as well as another pore-forming membrane-damaging β-toxin called NetB. NetB toxin has shown 38% identity to C. perfringens β-toxin and 31% identity to Staphylococcus aureus α-toxin. NetB toxin is responsible for necrotizing tissues causing perforations in the cell membranes of epithelial cells thus causing destruction and resulting in leakage of the intestinal contents [8]. The virulence of NetB toxin as well as the relation between the other different toxins has been studied in potential vaccine applications [7]. The detail of the NE antigen and the role in vaccine development as an alternative to antibiotics is discussed further in our review article.
NetB is thought to cause an initiation to the pathogenesis of NE and has been already identified in previous studies. However, there is a complex system and process involved in its complete pathogenesis and effect. The pathogenesis begins with the site colonization, multiplication, nutrients acquisition, and suppression of host innate and acquired immunity and therefore causing damage to the intestinal epithelial cells [6]. Colonization initiates when the mucosal barrier, containing antibacterial proteins such as mucin glycoproteins of the susceptible tissue is destroyed. The initial stage of the pathogenesis has also been found to involve the release of proteolytic enzymes causing destruction of villi and causing disruption of lamina matrix of the enterocytes [5, 9]. Lamina propria of intestine is infiltrated with inflammatory cells leading to an extensive disorder of intestinal integrity [9]. Such morphological changes in the intestinal tissues give an indication of the initiation of the pathology as shown by histopathology. A study has also reported that techniques such as real-time PCR have identified the mucosal gene such as MUC that is expressed in intestine [10]. The host defense mechanism against NE infection has been identified after identifying the specific gene such as MUC that is a step to understanding the NE model and mucin synthesis. Another advancement is an identification of a zinc metallopeptidase protein named NELoc-1 which might be an indication of proteolytic and collagenolytic enzyme release and can be also used in vaccine development [6]. Some of the advancement in the NE-specific loci has been reported after genome sequencing that carries NetB toxin causing NE disease in birds. However, in a study by Lee et al. [11], it has been stated that the presence of NetB toxin as detected by PCR does not guarantee the actual pathogenesis of NE. Therefore, this topic is still under investigation and needs more research to understand the complete effect of C. perfringens.
C. perfringens is a naturally occurring primary cause of NE in poultry. However, the severity of the disease depends upon various predisposing factors that eventually exacerbate the disease [12]. Some of the predisposing factors of the disease include coccidiosis, dietary factors, management stress-causing immunosuppression, and an overall imbalance of commensal microbiota [13]. Coccidiosis infection and its prevention, dietary factors such as high crude protein (CP), high fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP), as well as management factors such as cold and heat stress, stocking density, that contribute to NE will be discussed further in the review (Figure 1) along with dietary intervention to combat NE in poultry.

Figure 1. Predisposing factors for necrotic enteritis (NE) in chickens.
Predisposing factors of necrotic enteritis
One of the common predisposing factors of NE is a coccidiosis infection [7]. Chicken coccidiosis is considered an infectious protozoan disease caused by the genus Eimeria, under which common species include acervulina, maxima, tenella, necatrix, mavati, mitis, praecox, and brunetti [14]. Eimeria-assisted introduction, especially Eimeria maxima, has been found to be a major risk factor to promote C. perfringens strain. Such association has been related to cause the epithelial surface damage, serum release, and mucogenesis induction, which overall provides a niche for C. perfringens to colonize and proliferate. Such species have been identified extensively in different parts of the small intestine and ceca of chickens. The major pathogenesis behind any Eimeria species is because of rapid multiplication within the mucosal epithelia of the intestinal lining that results in inflammation, disruption of gut integrity, and hemorrhage leading to secondary infections, morbidity, and mortality [15]. Coccidiosis infection causes rapid proliferation of sporozoites within the lining of the intestine, which is disruptive, causing damage to the epithelial surface, which leads to hemorrhages, reddish, orange, or pink viscous exudate, and excess mucin production. The intestinal damage caused by coccidia is an essential predisposing factor for NE resulting in overgrowth of C. perfringens and toxin production [15]. This leads to leakage of serum into the gut, thus stimulating mucus production and providing a richer source of nutrients for C. perfringens proliferation [10]. In addition, direct invasion of Eimeria compromises the barrier function and the immune system of birds. Host mucogenic response to a coccidial infection and the intestinal damage provides an advantage for the onset of NE [10]. A study by Collier et al. [15] observed an increase in the expression of interferon (IFN)-γ, interleukin (IL)-10, and IL-4 in the chicken intestine at the early phase of combined coccidiosis and NE infection. Infection of Eimeria has shown an increase in the intestinal mucin RNA expression, goblet cell number, and theca size, which indicates that there is a host intestinal mucogenic response [13]. An increase in the regulation of the mucin gene such as MUC2 expression during coccidiosis infection has further acted as a medium for C. perfringens growth [15].
Chemicals, vaccines, and ionophores alone or in combination have been used as effective strategies to control coccidiosis for extended periods of time. Owing to drug-resistance and the ban of some coccidiostats and ionophores in poultry production, alternative control strategies have included dietary interventions, which have become an area of focus for the poultry industry recently [16]. Dietary intervention, mainly involving natural products or plant products, has shown some success with the control of Eimeria in chickens. Identification of dietary interventions that can combat such gut health dysbiosis created by coccidiosis is a major challenge that will be faced by the current and future poultry industry [16]. However, while attempting to control Eimeria in chickens, NE is also being studied because both of these diseases complement each other in host–pathogenic response and decrease performance. Therefore, a complete understanding of the predisposing factors and relationship between NE and coccidiosis and the mitigation strategies through various intervention strategies is necessary to control and/or prevent both diseases from occurring in poultry. Dietary interventions that have been used against coccidiosis are described below:
Interventions Against Coccidiosis
Essential Oils
Essential oils (EO) have varied success rates in treating Eimeria and other similar infections in chickens. Although various EO work by different mechanisms, the dose of EO used in animals has profound effects on their antimicrobial and immunomodulatory effects. The usage of natural products, fungal extracts, and plant extracts has been found to have a positive effect on coccidiosis control. The use of EO has shown an inhibition toward the various stages of Eimeria life cycle [17]. Some of the common EO include oregano, carvacrol, thymol, and cinnamaldehyde which have shown antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiprotozoal activity against Eimeria [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]. Immune stimulation effects of EO have been demonstrated by their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and cytoplasmic damage activities [19]. Immunomodulatory functions such as the proliferation of immune cells, elevated expression of cytokines, and an increased antibody titer have been found to be associated with the EO. This includes both innate and adaptive immunity, including both cell-mediated and humoral immunity [20]. An increase in natural killer cells, macrophages, CD4, and CD8 T cells and their cytokines such as IFN-γ and IL-6 have been observed in Eimeria tenella–challenged broilers [20].
Tsinas et al. [22] reported a reduction in lesion score without affecting the growth performance in broilers challenged with Eimeria acervulina and E. maxima and supplemented with 300 or 600 ppm of an oregano product. Oregano oil supplemented at 500 ppm in the diet of experimentally challenged broilers with a 50X dose of vaccine containing E. acervulina and E. maxima and E. tenella showed a reduction in coccidiosis [23]. However, another study by Scheurer et al. [24] did not observe any effect of oregano oil in Eimeria-challenged or unchallenged birds. The phenolic component of EO has shown to produce the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane to both hydrogen and potassium ions, and this mechanism has been claimed to have an effect on the biochemical process such as decreasing the intracellular pH and ATP concentration thus resulting in damage of bacterial cell wall [25]. Antibacterial mechanisms involved in carvacrol are the disruption of the cellular membrane, inhibition of ATPase activity, and release of intracellular ATP [26]. This phenomenon eventually leads to the death of the cocci cells such as merozoites preventing secondary bacterial proliferation and incidence of NE.
Cinnamaldehyde has been used as a supplement in both in vitro and in vivo disease challenge trials against coccidiosis [27]. An in vitro followed by an in vivo study has shown a higher stimulation of EtMIC2 (purified recombinant protein) antibody response in E. tenella and cinnamaldehyde group compared with only E. tenella group [28]. Morphological modification of intestinal mucus cells and altered expression of metabolism-related intestinal genes such as IL-1β, IL-6, IL-15, and IFN-γ mRNA were found to be increased thus reducing E. acervulina-induced and E. maxima-induced bodyweight loss as well as E. acervulina oocyst shedding [29]. Enhanced production of such above cytokines, after supplementation of diets with cinnamaldehyde, might prove as a novel opportunity to help increase in anticoccidial immunity [29]. Similarly, a mixture of castor oil and cashew nut shell liquid oil so-called “functional oil” added in the feed of broiler chickens after challenging with E. maxima, E. acervuline, and E. tenella exhibited improved weight gain and feed conversion ratio [30]. Extracts of Tulbaghia violacea, a herbal plant, showed a decrease in oocysts production in Eimeria-infected chickens [31]. The antioxidant present in the herbal extract is found to alleviate lipid peroxidation that occurs because of coccidia infection. The pathways used by such herbal plant extracts and compounds include lipid metabolism, linoleic acid metabolism, and estrogen metabolism.
Combination of carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde, and capsicum oleoresin was helpful in stimulating cell-mediated immunity resulting in an increase in natural killer cells, macrophages, CD4, CD8 T cells, and cytokines such as IFN-γ and IL-6 that increased the host immunity against coccidiosis by stimulating the innate as well as the adaptive (humoral) immune response [29]. Some of the factors associated with the variation in the results because of EO might involve stability and volatility of the compound, composition, ratio of oils, purity, and quality, methods of extraction, isolation, and standardization of the oils. Steam-distilled EO from Origanum vulgare has been found to produce an antibacterial activity, whereas methanolic extract of the same species has shown high antioxidant activity [31]. The use of essential oils has produced beneficial effects on the performance of birds, but it has not completely eliminated the incidence of cocci and NE or has consistently produced similar benefits as of AGPs in the diet. Therefore, the use of EO needs further investigation, particularly their mode of action on coccidiosis, on the bird’s immunity and growth performance.
Prebiotics and Probiotics
Some common prebiotics used in poultry include inulin, fructo-oligosaccharides, mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), and xylo-oligosaccharides. The use of prebiotics to control coccidiosis is a novel approach, and the mechanism depends upon the stimulation and growth of certain probiotic bacteria. Prebiotics such as fructo-oligosaccharides and MOS have been shown to modulate gut-associated immune cells and macrophages, which inhibit Eimeria, leading to the control of an Eimeria infection [15]. The major mechanism of action of prebiotics includes modulation of gut microbiota by selectively stimulating beneficial bacteria by providing food to the bacteria and reducing the intestinal colonization of harmful bacteria [15, 32]. The indirect mechanism has been described as a fact that birds have shorter intestine that leaves a greater amount of undigested carbohydrates in the ceca, after which the fermentation occurs leading to a lower pH, thereby producing negative effects on E. tenella [33].
In an experiment conducted with coccidia, dietary MOS (1 g/kg feed) was able to alleviate the severity of cecal lesions when inoculated with 3,500 or 5,000 sporulated oocysts of E. tenella [34]. In another study, supplementation of MOS at 10 g/kg feed showed a reduction in oocyst excretion diminishing the severity of E. acervulina lesions in broilers [35]. However, other prebiotic studies have not shown positive effects when trying to reduce coccidiosis. A study by McCann et al. [36] reported that feeding 0.5 g/kg of MOS did not result in any effect against the infection of E. acervulina, E. maxima, and E. tenella. The variation between the effects of MOS on birds has been described as the differences between the infective doses of Eimeria and the MOS concentration in the feed.
Probiotics containing individual or multiple strains of Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, Pedicoccus, and Bifidobacterium have been shown to reduce coccidiosis in broilers by improving intestinal health as well as an improvement in growth performance [34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42]. A study reported that supplementation of Pediococcus-based probiotic to birds challenged with E. acervulina and E. tenella provided protection against growth retardation [41, 42]. The results of a study after using a probiotic mixture containing Bacillus animalis, Lactobacillus salivarius, and Eimeria faecium fed as a supplement to broilers alleviated E. acervulina, E. maxima, and E. tenella infections with lower shedding of oocysts and lower lesion scores in the duodenum, jejunum, and the ceca of broilers [37]. The mixture of the above 3 probiotic bacteria (E. faecium, B. animalis, and L. salivarius) at a ratio of 6:3:1 also provided an overall improvement in growth performance and intestinal health (increasing ileal villus height and crypt depth ratio) when compared with the Eimeria-challenged positive control birds [38]. A combination of Saccharomyces and Pediococcus–based probiotic resulted in better antibody response and lowered E. acervulina and E. tenella oocysts shedding [42]. Another common strain that has been widely used in the poultry industry to alleviate coccidiosis is Bacillus. A study reported that following an oral administration of Bacillus subtilis, lesions of E. tenella were reduced in ceca compared with the group not supplemented with the probiotic [39]. Similarly, 8 individual B. subtilis strains were combined to form as one DFM product and supplemented in a mash diet of broilers challenged with E. maxima [40]. Their study found that the clinical signs due to the coccidia were reduced and also at the immunity level by increasing cell-mediated protective immunity against Eimeria [40]. It has been speculated that because of the competition between the probiotic bacteria and Eimeria for the same niche in the intestine, the probiotic bacteria can occupy common receptors located in the epithelium, which leads to a reduction in the replication and shedding of oocysts [43]. However, the effectiveness of the probiotics or prebiotics can be overcome by the severity of coccidiosis and further alternatives need to be explored.
Organic Acids, Fats, and Antioxidants
Some of the organic acids that have shown preventive effects against coccidiosis are short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) such as butyric acid and acetic acid. Acetic acids and benzoic acids have been used in broiler chickens challenged with different species of Eimeria and demonstrated a reduction in the severity of lesion scores [44, 45]. Acetic acid has been found to contain anticoccidial properties against E. tenella in broiler chickens. By lowering the pH of the ceca, oocysts are negatively affected resulting in less severe lesion score [44]. A blend of benzoic acid and EO compounds has shown an improvement over growth performance including feed conversion ratio, weight gain, and carcass yield in broilers and reduced coccidian lesions [44]. Owing to interference by organic acids on the cytoplasmic membrane as well as membrane proteins, reduction in ATP production occurs that disturbs the normal physiology and reduces the internal pH of the bacterial cell.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids within the omega-3 family of fatty acids include docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and linolenic acid. Such fatty acids have been reported to reduce Eimeria species. Some of the ingredients that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids are whole flaxseed, flaxseed meal, and fish oil [45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51]. Diets supplemented with 2.5 to 5% or 10% fish oil and 3, 5, or 10% flaxseed oil have significantly reduced cecal lesion scores, as well as fecal oocysts counts in E. tenella challenged broilers [47, 48, 49, 50]. A study has reported that using 5 or 10% of ground flaxseed in broiler diet reduced the lesion score compared with the Eimeria-challenged and nonsupplemented group [45]. E. tenella develops in ceca of chickens, and therefore, the anaerobic environment of ceca is found susceptible to oxidative stress [45]. The mechanism of fatty acid-rich diets such as flaxseed and fish oil and their ability to work against any coccidia infection is reported to be because of the induction of oxidative stress, which is detrimental to parasite development, particularly, sporulated oocysts and sporozoites. Therefore, the use of fatty acid–rich diets has shown beneficial effects on suppressing Eimeria tennella, particularly in ceca. An increase in serum levels of total antioxidants for E. tenella-infected chickens fed 3 or 5% linoleic acid has been observed in a study [46]. A study reported that feeding 10% whole flaxseed led to an increase in plasma IL-6 along with a reduction in the IL-1 and TNF-α in broilers [47]. Flaxseed meal supplementation showed antiparasitic activity because of oxidative stress that is detrimental to parasitic development. Interleukins such as IL-6 has been proven to improve the immune responses in avian species affected with E. tenella infection [47]. Also, enhanced levels of secretory IgA have been observed in chickens challenged with E. tenella but supplemented with fish oil or linseed oil compared with the corn oil [48]. This was explained by the fact that there was a significant increase in serum level of total antioxidant capacity of chickens fed 3 or 5% of linseed oil and infected with E. tenella compared with the corn oil group. On the other hand, IgA could inhibit cell penetration and intracellular development of E. tenella [50].
Arginine has been found to play a role in coccidia infection [51]. Anorexia and malabsorption are the important characteristics of coccidia infections, which decrease the availability of plasma arginine. Also, arginine is used by the parasite as a substrate for nitric oxide and an increase in the plasma Arginine is associated with better absorption, which overall alleviates the effect of coccidia. A study that used L-arginine at 1.68% of the diet in heavily E. acervuline-challenged chickens had the highest levels of plasma arginine and thus plasma carotenoids, suggesting that the reduction of plasma arginine is associated with nutrients malabsorption [51]. This malabsorption resulted in reduced weight gain in broilers during E. acervulina infection. Another study reported that arginine, vitamin E and C that supplemented together in a broiler diet after a challenge with coccidia vaccine containing mixture of E. acervulina, E. maxima, and E. tenella, resulted in higher production of nitric oxide and glutathione peroxidase, suggesting a higher antioxidant capacity during the Eimeria challenge [52]. Their study also found reduced lesion scores within the jejunum and cecum, as well as a stronger innate immune response in the challenge group compared with the unchallenged control group [52].
Supplementation of organic zinc on E. tenella-challenged broilers resulted in reduced oxidative stress as indicated by lower lipid peroxidation and positive immune response, which resulted in higher cecal IgA and reduced oocyst shedding [53, 54]. Coccidiosis infection might increase zinc requirements of broilers, and therefore supplementation of zinc can demonstrate lower cecal lesion scores, increase intestinal integrity thus improving their overall performance [53]. Dietary supplementation of zinc-copper hydroxychloride-mixed crystals showed amelioration in the oxidative damage in broilers caused by E. acervulina [53]. Zinc is directly related to the activity of antioxidant enzymes, and its administration has also shown a protective effect against several peroxides [54]. However, it must be understood that the causes of coccidiosis are multifactorial, and no single prevention method or alternative can overcome the infection completely.
Vaccination against coccidiosis
In the United States, coccidiosis vaccines have become widely used as a means of controlling coccidiosis in broiler chickens. Live vaccines are the most common type of vaccine used against coccidiosis, and they include either live oocyst nonattenuated or live oocyst attenuated [55]. The objective of live vaccination is to expose the oocyst in a lower dose and induce a protective immune response that is adequate to allow birds to resist a challenge at a later date. Thus, the earlier chickens are vaccinated against coccidiosis, the sooner immunity can be generated. Most of the live vaccine is recommended to use at the day of hatch and a booster dose in a later date if necessary. Management and vaccination of coccidiosis in broilers are focused on E. acervulina, E. maxima, Eimeria mevati, and E. tenella and in the layers, E. tenella, E. mevati, E. acervulina, E. maxima, Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria hagani, Eimeria necatrix, and Eimeria praecox are much of importance. The reason between few variations between the 2 species and the Eimeria type is because of the difference in the life span of host [55]. The concept behind vaccinating coccidiosis in young birds is that the infective stages are ingested and produce subclinical infections. Birds acquire immunity against various species of Eimeria after vaccination, and they are immune against any future infections. However, coccidia vaccines can cause a mild infection within intestinal lesions [56, 57]. An attenuated anticoccidial vaccine can also result in mild intestinal lesions and has been shown to provide significant protection against NE in broiler chicks [58]. An increase in the incidence of clinical coccidiosis infection is one of the most important predisposing factors associated with NE in chickens. Moreover, a reduction in the incidence of severe coccidial infections can cause reduced epithelial damage and decreased mucus production in vaccinated birds. However, birds cannot be immune against different strains of the same species although they are vaccinated against 1 strain. Such factor limits the use of vaccine and the vaccination should be able to accommodate the mixture of common strains of Eimeria [55].
Dietary factors
Different dietary components have also been found to be associated with the onset of NE. Cereals such as wheat, rye, oat, and barley contain higher levels of NSPs such as β-glucans and arabinoxylans, which increase the prevalence and severity of NE [9, 59]. An increased intestinal viscosity created by β-glucans or arabinoxylans from cereal grains has contributed to a prolonged gut transient time of digesta, higher mucus production, and a decline in nutrient digestibility, thus allowing Clostridium to proliferate [60]. The higher production of mucus leads to wet litter, which can induce sporulation of coccidia along with C. perfringens in the litter, thus increasing the predisposition for NE [59, 60]. An in vitro study has shown that the proliferation of C. perfringens is higher in digested wheat and/or barley compared with digested maize diets [61, 62]. The mechanism behind the higher incidence of NE in barley and wheat-based diet compared with other diets such as corn-based is because of higher proliferation of Clostridium in those diets. Owing to a greater transient time of digesta in the gut for wheat and barley-based diet, proliferation and growth of C. perfringens occurs, which allows for various types of toxins to be synthesized [63]. Such toxins target the epithelial cells and membranes, causing an increase in the overall permeability of the gut.
High protein diets have also been recognized as another significant predisposing factor for NE. Protein-rich diets result in a high concentration of protein in the digestive tract that will serve as a substrate for microbial growth. Both fish meal and soy protein concentrate, when used as a source of protein, have been reported to increase C. perfringens in broiler chicks [64]. High levels of animal protein in the diet such as fish meal have been found to have higher indigestible protein and higher nutrient content that increases C. perfringens abundance in chickens’ lower gut [64]. Also, in the above study, a phylogenic profile of bacterial population was characterized from ceca of NE-infected chickens fed fish meal, which revealed the community shift of bacteria in the group [64]. Metabolism of a high protein diet leads to a higher rate of degradation of protein into amines and ammonia, which has shown to increase the intestinal pH and favor the production of Clostridium [64]. On the other hand, when the feed with low CP digestibility is added in the chicken diet, it results in a lower dry matter digestibility in the gut, making those nutrients more available to the bacteria, which can change the status of microbiota in the lower gut.
Mycotoxins can compromise the quality of feed and water causing physical changes to the chicken’s gut and leading to the opportunity for Clostridium abundance. The physical changes create conditions such as serum leakage from the intestinal epithelium which can lead to proliferation by C. perfringens. Deoxynivalenol is a common type of mycotoxin that contaminates feed. It has been shown that deoxynivalenol has an effect on the intestinal barrier function as well as intestinal protein availability, which stimulates the growth and toxin production of C. perfringens [65]. The toxic effect was found to be associated with increased protein availability in the intestinal lumen because of a leakage of plasma amino acids into the GIT. It has also been reported that the abundance of C. perfringens is higher in the ileum of broilers fed a diet based on tallow and lard compared with a diet with only soybean oil [66]. Other dietary factors such as particle size have shown an effect on the number of C. perfringens proliferation in the intestine [67]. Their study showed that mash form feed compared with pellet form feed resulted in a greater number of C. perfringens in ceca and recta of broilers. This can be explained by the fact that fine feed particles can enter ceca more easily and have better availability for microbial fermentation in such sections [67]. Therefore, there is an equally important role of dietary factors and high-quality dietary ingredients as well as balanced formulation that prevents pathogenic bacteria including C. perfringens.
Management Factors
Stress including environmental stressors such as heat or cold stress, management such as vaccination, ventilation, and stocking density, as well as other diseases, play a role in NE occurrence [68, 69, 70, 71]. Cold stress has been associated with lesion production in Clostridium challenged broilers chickens [68]. Tsiouris et al. [68] reported significant increases in the cecal C. perfringens counts and severe NE lesions when birds were exposed to cold stress. When birds are exposed to low temperatures, immunosuppression occurs, which affects both humoral as well as cellular immunity [70]. When birds are under cold stress, feed intake will increase to compensate for heat loss. This will also bring a change in internal energy production, predominantly by producing reactive oxidative species [71]. During cold months, ventilation in the house is less used thus resulting to increase in ammonia levels and moisture in litter that can proliferate cocci and NE in the litter. Heat stress is another most important environmental stressors in poultry production [72]. The release of serum corticosterone, as well as heat shock proteins in long-term heat-stressed chickens, have been shown to result in greater number of C. perfringens. The authors also reported that heat stress lowers the bacterial counts of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium spp. but increases the counts of coliform and Clostridium spp. [72]. Heat stress has been linked to impaired intestinal morphology following pathogenic bacteria invasion through the intestinal epithelium [72, 73]. A study with long-term heat stress to broiler chickens reported stress-induced regulation of intestinal inflammation, particularly a stress-induced decrease in the intestinal polymorphonuclear cell infiltration [72]. This inflammatory process leads to necrotic foci in the intestinal mucosa, which increases the intestinal goblet cells. Alterations in the intestinal epithelium integrity could disturb the microbiota homeostasis leading to enteritis [73]. Stress, heat, or cold can also cause inflammation of the intestine that leads to a change in the immune status of the gut which can induce proliferation of C. perfringens. These compromises both humoral and cellular immunity, leading to a greater number of C. perfringens being shed onto the litter thus impacting the intestinal microbiota and overall performance of chickens.
Stocking density is another management factor and has an important role in producing NE. The high stocking density of chickens has been found to be associated with a high number of C. perfringens in the ceca as demonstrated by higher gross lesion score in ceca [74]. The mechanism related to the stocking density and immunity of birds has been described as the humoral immune system being compromised that affects the bird’s ability to produce antibiotics and combat the infection [74]. A higher density is also associated with an increased level of nitrogen and moisture in the litter thus downgrading litter quality and increasing bacterial and coccidial oocyst counts in the litter. The bacterial composition of the poultry litter has been shown to produce a change in chicken gut microbiota. The predisposing effect of high stocking density on NE is one of the management factors, and further studies might contribute to considerate the detail mechanisms of this factor.
Viral infections and vaccines used against diseases like Marek’s disease, chicken infectious anemia, and infectious bursal disease have been shown to cause immunosuppression, leading to a greater turnover in the intestinal immune system, which can predispose broilers to NE disease [75]. Also, the infectious bursal disease vaccine has proven to be a predisposing factor to induce NE, where the vaccine was either supplemented at the intermediate dose or 10 times higher the recommended dose [75]. The bursa of Fabricius, an organ associated with humoral immunity, when targeted by a viral disease such as infectious bursal disease, caused immunosuppression in broilers, which led to the secondary infection such as Escherichia coli and C. perfringens [75]. The virus affects the lymphoid cells targeting bursa and suppressing humoral immunity. Coccidiosis also causes immunosuppression leading to gastrointestinal imbalance, which gives rise to C. perfringens infection. The details have been described in a separate section above.
Certain breeds of broilers have been found to be severely affected by C. perfringens, causing NE. Some major commercial broiler breeds such as Cobb, Ross, and Hubbard when orally infected with the bacteria and E. maxima developed the disease more rapidly compared to the rest [76]. The research mentioned above reported that the antibody levels of NetB toxins were greater in Cobb chickens, which means Cobb chickens are more susceptible to NE compared with the Ross or Hubbard chickens [76]. Disease susceptibility was measured in the form of body weight loss, intestinal lesions, and serum antibody levels against NetB like toxin. Cobb chickens had a greater loss in body weight and increased the intestinal lesion scores after coinfection with E. maxima and C. perfringens. It has been presumed that the attribution toward the higher susceptibility in some of the broiler breeds against NE could be because of the difference in immune-related genes in such breeds.
Dietary interventions against necrotic enteritis
Different strategies such as nutrition, health, and husbandry have been used to control NE in broilers in the postantibiotic era. However, the use of various feed additives in poultry diets has been a major strategy to prevent and control NE (Figure 2). In this part of the review, some of the feed additives used to alleviate NE thus far will be described and include enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics, organic acids, and EO.

Figure 2. Common dietary interventions against necrotic enteritis (NE) in chickens.
Supplementation of NSP degrading enzymes and their role in ameliorating NE has been studied in poultry. Multicarbohydrase blends such as xylanase, amylase, alpha-galactosidase, pectinase, and β-glucanase have shown to reduce the deleterious effects of NSP, reducing intestinal digesta viscosity, improving the nutrient digestibility of diets, and ultimately reducing dietary stress on the gut [77, 78, 79, 80]. Diets that have a higher proportion of NSPs, particularly based on wheat and have been supplemented with exogenous enzymes such as xylanase, have shown lower digesta viscosity thus lowering coccidiosis and the incidence of NE [80, 81].
Studies by Van Immerseel et al. [82] and Jackson et al. [83] have reported that xylanase has been successful in improving animal performance resulting in reduced digesta viscosity and fermentation, which eventually suppressed C. perfringens in the small intestine. Such enzymes have also shown an improvement in the ileal digestibility of CP and amino acids in broilers [84]. Jia et al. [85] reported that the supplementation of multicarbohydrase enzymes in birds fed high dietary levels of flaxseed resulted in a reduction of intestinal digesta viscosity because of increased water-binding capacity of complex carbohydrates, thus reducing C. perfringens numbers in the intestine. Also, feeding a direct-fed microbial, cellulase, and xylanase that were produced in the gut resulted in a reduction in both viscosity and C. perfringens proliferation compared with the control diets [86]. Xylanases have also shown a prebiotic-like effect in poultry. It has been found that enzymes hydrolysis produces galacto-oligosaccharide, gluco-oligosaccharide, and manno-oligosaccharides in the chicken GIT and supports the growth of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Inhibition of pathogenic species such as C. perfringens can occur after the growth of lactic acid bacteria in the lower GIT because of the exogenous enzyme hydrolysis [86]. The mechanism can be explained as a competitive exclusion that prevents pathogens such as C. perfringens from binding to the epithelium, which reduces colonization and allows for better digestion and nutrient absorption within the gut [65]. Xylanase supplementation in the wheat-based diet has shown to enhance dietary utilization of nutrients in C. perfringens challenged broilers by ameliorating the retarded growth, improving the feed conversion ratio, and improving intestinal barrier function [60, 87]. In another study by Jackson et al. [83] addition of B-mannanase to the corn-based diet improved performance and reduced lesion scores in birds challenged with both Eimeria spp. and C. perfringens. However, it should be noted that for the effectiveness of enzymes, the appropriate substrate must be available to act upon, such as wheat vs. corn, and the water-soluble portion of the ingredients, which aids in the enzyme hydrolysis pattern better [60]. Moreover, the enzyme is used as energy sparing additive in the feed rather than a cocci prevention tool so producer should not only rely on the enzyme to do the function of reducing cocci but as a combination of tools to combat the disease when no antibiotics are used.
Phytochemicals and Essential Oils
Phytochemicals have been used as antiviral, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory in human health [88]. The mechanism of action of phytochemicals is claimed to be their ability to disintegrate bacterial cell membranes and penetrate the bacterial cells. The antibacterial mechanism of phytochemicals is associated with killing the pathogenic bacteria directly and partitioning the bacteria into their lipid contents and mitochondria. The lipid interaction interferes with bacterial metabolism, the cell wall, and membrane permeability, leading to extensive leakage of critical molecules and ions from the bacterial cells of such harmful bacteria [89]. The beneficial effects of EO may be related to a direct antimicrobial effect on bacterial cells and an indirect effect by modulating gut microbiota and digestive functions [90]. Dietary phytochemicals have shown to induce the enzyme expression in cellular antioxidant response. A study that used magnolia bark extract in a combined challenge of E. maxima and C. perfringens reported in the upregulation of enzymes such as aflatoxin B1 aldehyde reductase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase [91]. The main bioactive compound in the phytochemicals are polyphenols and have been used as a potential antibiotic alternative in swine and poultry [91].
Some of the common phytochemicals and EO are herbs and spices including thyme, oregano, rosemary, coriander, cinnamon, and green tea have shown a positive influence in poultry [92, 93]. Supplementation of a mixture of capsicum and Curcuma longa oleoresins have shown better performances by increasing body weight and reduced gut lesion scores and improved the immunity by reducing mRNA expression of IL-8 in NE-infected broilers compared with infected and nonsupplemented group [92]. The different portions of EO blends produce variations in the effectiveness when added to poultry diets. Some of the EO containing thyme and clove are also capable of increasing body weight and improving growth performance while decreasing C. perfringens count in the jejunum, especially during the first half of the growing period [93]. A uniform blend of EO containing thymol, carvacrol, eugenol, curcumin, and piperin has shown a reduction in the colonization and proliferation of C. perfringens in the gut of broiler chickens [94]. When used as a preventive measure, thyme and clove continuously supplemented in feed, demonstrated a beneficial effect against C. perfringens by lowering the bacterial counts and alleviating intestinal damage.
The antibacterial effect of EO, along with stimulated digestive enzymes seem to have stabilized the intestinal bacterial microflora, thus inactivating C. perfringens toxins. When thymol was used as a preventative compound, a reduction in C. perfringens proliferation in the broiler intestine as well as in fecal excretion was observed [93, 94]. In an in vitro study, carvacrol supplementation reduced C. perfringens by 2 to 3 log and when mixed with chicken ileal contents later, results were found to be similar. However, the role of phytochemicals and EO to define the molecular and cellular mode of action to control NE needs to be studied further.
Organic Acids
Organic acids, both SCFA and medium-chain fatty acids, have proven to be effective against NE infections. Several in vitro and in vivo experiments have shown beneficial effects when organic acids have been used individually or as a blend in chickens. Although antibacterial mechanisms of these organic acids are poorly understood, they are known to have a bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect whenever possible. A reduction in the intracellular pH via the entry of undissociated acids into the bacterial cell and subsequent dissociation in the cytoplasm is believed to be the major mechanism of organic acids. Butyric acid has shown an increased expression of intestinal tight junction thus decreasing intestinal permeability in broiler chickens [95]. Lactic acid bacteria that ferment carbohydrates present in feed produce one of the organic acid, lactic acid, which lowers the pH of the surrounding environment and inhibits the growth of specific pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and C. perfringens [96].
Blends of acetic, butyric, and lactic acids have resulted in weight gain and feed conversion ratio benefits with elevated CD3+ T-cells in the ileum of 7 D of age broilers challenged with C. perfringens [97]. Similarly, blends of formic, acetic, propionic, sorbic, caprylic, and capric acids have resulted in low clostridial loads and improved feed conversion ratio in broilers [98]. Change in pH being their primary mode of action and the combined effects of different organic acid compounds have been able to combat such effect against C. perfringens. However, such various blend did not improve growth performance or reduced mortality [98] and the reason behind this has not been explained. In a study by Geier et al. [98], organic acids resulted in an increase in the number of lactic acids producing bacteria in the intestine and had an increased number of T-cells in the intestinal mucosa of broilers. Supplementation of 0.2% encapsulated organic acids to the diet demonstrated an improvement in the proliferation of Lactobacillus spp. and diminished the population of harmful bacteria including C. perfringens in poultry gut contents [99, 100]. It has been claimed that the positive effect of organic acids can be attributed to the trophic effect of organic acid products on the intestinal mucosa and immune cells. The direct effects of organic acids on specific Clostridium strains as well as Clostridium loads in the intestine require further exploration.
Probiotics and Prebiotics
Probiotics are becoming a common intervention method used for NE prevention and control in the postantibiotic era. Some of the commonly used probiotic bacteria used in broilers infected with NE are Lactobacillus johnsonii, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, and B. subtilis [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106]. Such probiotic bacteria have been shown to improve both growth performance and intestinal immunity. Probiotics can directly compete against the pathogenic bacteria for nutrition and adhesions, which then produce metabolites that can directly inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. For example, probiotic bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis have spores, which have proven to be highly resistant against high heat and low bile pH in the GIT, thus providing a protective mechanism to the chicken.
The beneficial effects of probiotic bacteria, mostly because of the interaction of such probiotic bacteria with the diversity of bacteria in the gut has also been observed. A study by Lin et al. [104] investigated the population of microbiota in broiler ileum samples that had been challenged with C. perfringens. They reported an imbalance in the ileum microbiota of Clostridium challenge birds. It was also demonstrated that the microbiota was returned to normal after feeding B. licheniformis, with enhanced mucosal immune activity and improved epithelial barrier function [105]. Bacillus licheniformis has also shown to reduce the dysbiosis of the cecal microbiome which can occur because of a challenge with C. perfringens [105]. A study by Zhou et al. [106] on the effect of B. licheniformis on broilers challenged with C. perfringens-induced NE, reported an increase in the expression of lipid metabolism-related genes and reduced antioxidant stress. When B. licheniformis was added to the diet at 8 × 107 CFU/g of feed, the results showed a similar effect to birds provided virginiamycin where a reduction in lesion score severity and NE mortality was observed [106]. On the other hand, Lactobacillus-based probiotics have been successful in mitigating some of the health issues associated with birds challenged by C. perfringens. Supplementation of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus casei have been found to lower the cecal counts of C. perfringens in the diet compared to birds fed a control diet [106].
L. johnsonii based probiotics have shown enhanced intestinal development and a balanced microbiota within the intestine of treated birds compared with the C. perfringens-challenged control birds [107]. Their study also found that L. johnsonii significantly increased the abundance of all Lactobacillus spp., and decreased Streptococcus spp., as well as Enterobacteriaceae in the jejunum and ileum. An increase in the lipolytic genes such as PPARα and CPT-1 in the study suggested that the addition of L. johnsonii may have improved the suppression of fatty acid oxidation in the subclinical NE group chickens [107]. Lactobacillus fermentum–based probiotic supplementation in NE-infected birds showed downregulation of Toll-like receptor-2 and IFN-γ and upregulated the expression of IL-10 [108]. These data show that L. fermentum can maintain intestinal homeostasis by balancing between proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Prebiotics prevent the colonization of bacterial pathogens in the GIT, lower the gut pH through SCFA production and thus stimulate the immune system. Arabinoxylans are polysaccharides that have been found in the cell wall of cereal-based grains such as rice and wheat. Arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides (AXOS) are derived by partial hydrolysis of arabinoxylan, and they have shown a beneficial effect against pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella because of the ability to decrease bacterial shedding in the feces [109]. With regards to NE control and prevention, AXOS also have shown an improvement over feed efficiency as well as increased the quality of SCFAs in broilers [75]. Selective stimulation of beneficial bacteria, suppression of pathogenic bacteria, optimizing colon function, and stimulating immune functions are some of the functions of AXOS inside the gut. However, the effects of AXOS inclusion on gut microflora, gut physiology, and digesta passage rate have not been explored in broilers.
Yeast cell wall (YCW) is another type of prebiotic that has been supplemented in NE-infected chickens individually or as a combination [110, 111]. Yeast cell walls contain protein, mannans, and ß-glucans. A study by M’sadeq et al. [111] reported that yeast cell wall extract from the YCW of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has potential to act as an alternative to salinomycin or zinc bacitracin, which provided positive effects by improving feed intake, weight gain, and livability in C. perfringens–challenged broilers. A combination of YCW and Bacillus has shown an improvement in intestinal health by lowering the serum endotoxin concentration of C. perfringens and increasing IgA levels in the ileal mucosa of broilers [110]. Such a combination has also lowered the bacterial count of C. perfringens and E. coli while increasing B. subtilis in the cecum of broilers. However, the study did not find an improvement in intestinal lesion scores and ileal morphology. A possible explanation behind this might be because of a lack of intestinal turnover and regeneration of the intestinal epithelium. However, for the better control of NE, specific probiotic strains should be explored with their particular mode of action. Also, for the prebiotics to work better in the gut, the specific probiotic bacteria that they stimulate and act upon specific Clostridium strains need to be explored further.
Bacteriophages (BP) are viruses that infect or replicate within the bacteria, leading to an attachment to specific hosts and kill them by lysis and cell death. Bacteriophages against C. perfringens have been sequenced from poultry offal, feces, and production run-off which have specific anti-Clostridium activity [112]. Such BP, used either as a single sequence or a cocktail of sequences, have been utilized to mitigate C. perfringens infection in the field as well as in research trials with broilers. In a study by Miller et al. [113], different BPs were characterized according to their morphological and phenotypic characteristics and used against E. maxima (5,000 oocysts) and C. perfringens challenge in broilers. Oral gavage of Eimeria was performed at day 14 followed by C. perfringens challenge (108 cfu/mL) on days 19, 20, and 21. Following the pathogen challenge, BP-derived toxoid vaccine preparation containing cocktails of different BP (INT-401) was used either via drinking water, oral gavage, or via feed (105 PFU/mL). These results indicated that there is a potential benefit to a BP cocktail, administered via drinking water or feed to control NE in broilers raised in floor pen environment. In another study by the same authors, oral administration of BP cocktail showed a significant decrease in mortality during day 0 to 42 of an experiment together with improvements in weight gain, FCR, and total mortality [114, 115]. Phages enzymes such as endolysins and mucolytic enzymes, including murein hydrolase, have shown to combat infections that are induced by C. perfringens. In some of the cases, BP and such phage enzymes have shown to have a lytic effect against Clostridium infection by directly binding to the peptidoglycans of the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria. Until now, the lysis mechanism of BP is only one mechanism among various mechanisms, and other mechanisms still need to be studied. Lysogenic properties of BP fail to produce an effect against bacteria as it can switch to the nonlysing phase. Therefore, few more studies need to be performed to identify the role of BP against the pathogens. Also, for the effectiveness of a BP, high specificity against a particular bacterium, allowing its ability to infect the bacteria needs to be explored.
Vaccination against necrotic enteritis
Few vaccine development efforts have been carried out with regard to NE prevention. Most of the vaccines that have been developed have shown to reduce lesions as their primary mode of action. Common types of vaccines that have been studied are live-attenuated vaccine, protein-based vaccine, and attenuated live vectors vaccine expressing C. perfringens proteins [116]. Live-attenuated vaccines were administered orally to 15-day-old broiler chickens over 5 consecutive days, and after which, it was followed by bacitracin for 9 D. This oral challenge significantly reduced the lesions (mean score 0.13 vs. 2.09 in the nonchallenged group) [117]. Another study has reported an administration of nonvirulent live vaccines and measured the mucosal and systemic immune response as well as the lesion score [118]. The immune parameters such as serum IgY immunoglobulin and mucosal IgA were elevated after the live vaccine administration. However, the authors reported that owing to the issue of losing the protection caused by the continuous attenuation of live vaccines, it might be difficult to get complete satisfaction on the live type vaccine.
Protein-based vaccines include toxoids and subunit vaccines, mostly based on secreted toxins. Under this category, inactivated toxins and antigenic proteins (purified proteins) are used. Recombinant NetB vaccine applied via oral gavage has shown mild protection against NE intestinal lesion scores in broiler chickens [119]. The antibody levels of NetB toxins were elevated, and birds were able to combat the C. perfringens challenge provided at the amount and dose of 1.5 mL and 109 to 1010 CFU, respectively. However, when the challenge load was higher that was provided as an in-feed challenge and with another heterologous strain of C. perfringens, the vaccine failed to show any effects. However, when a group of isolate strains of the bacteria was tested (8 strains), the vaccine provided full protection [120]. This can be explained by the fact how C. perfringens infections are multifactorial where a group of toxoids might have produced better results. A previous study was able to report on serum antibody response against the NetB toxin, which was able to provide partial protection in broiler chickens infected with NE [121]. The authors found a decrease in the NE specific lesions in day-old and 7 D of age chickens. However, it has also been reported that the immunization against single proteins might not be protective against NE infection. Owing to the multiple booster doses that are required for continuous protection, this has been impractical. Therefore, the vaccine works to study on the control and prevention of the disease is still on-going.
Conclusions and applications
- 1.
Necrotic enteritis is currently an important problem for the poultry industry with the greatest costs being associated with the treatment and management of NE-infected flocks.
- 2.
Predisposing factors for NE include dietary factors, management stress, disease, vaccines, and coccidia infection. Although several studies have been published in predisposing factors and subsequent progression of C. perfringens, the exact progression of disease is still poorly understood making it difficult to develop antibiotic alternative products that can target its pathway during the progression of NE.
- 3.
Many antibiotic alternatives such as prebiotics, probiotics, organic acids, BP, EO, and vaccination have been tested against NE or coccidiosis with regard to their variable bacterial load counts. However, no single control or prevention therapy has been established to this point. Such antibiotic alternatives may not necessarily protect the birds in the face of a serious challenge with NE or coccidiosis, but they may minimize the negative impacts on the health and growth/production performance of birds.
- 4.
Based on the available literature, we cannot confidently recommend poultry producers to take antibiotics out of the diet without increasing the risk of NE or cocci diseases at the farm-level when using the alternatives to AGP as single or in combination. Rather producers should evaluate the severity of the condition, farm status, and individual farm management plan before using the available antibiotic alternatives.
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