A new, microalgae-derived, omega-3 fatty acid supplement, for producers to incorporate into the diet of laying hens, has been launched by Anpario, the independent manufacturer and distributor of feed additives for livestock.

Optomega Algae, which sits within Anpario’s Optomega product range, is a dry, free-flowing powder composed of algae oil, formulated on a unique carrier system and packaged in foil-lined bags for optimum shelf-life and product freshness.

“A specific species of microalgae is used to produce Optomega Algae. Through fermentation processes, the microalgae provide a rich source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, specifically docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)” says Laura Corbett, monogastric product technical manager at Anpario. “

The microalgae production process is highly sustainable and utilises renewable sugarcane production, with waste cane stocks being used as an energy source to power the production facility.

“DHA is an essential fatty acid and plays a vital role in laying hen health and development”, adds Laura Corbett. “Higher levels of essential fatty acids in the diet help to maintain feather quality, which is important in supporting thermoregulation. It also provides a highly digestible energy source, helping to support energy balance for laying performance, whilst also helping contribute towards the production of omega-3 enriched eggs.”

The algae oil used in Optomega Algae is blended onto specially selected carriers to ensure a free-flowing, easy to use, consistent product with over 35 percent of total fatty acids coming from the biologically important omega-3 fatty acid DHA.

“DHA has also been shown to provide multiple benefits when included in human diets,” adds Laura Corbett. “DHA helps to maintain normal blood pressure and is an important omega-3 fatty acid for the prevention and management of heart disease. DHA also contributes to the normal function of the brain and nervous system and is essential for eye health and vison. Therefore, increasing the omega-3 content of eggs may offer benefits to consumer health”, Laura Corbett concludes.

For more information on Anpario and how the Optomega range can benefit your flock, please visit: