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New Poultry Vaccine from Zoetis Helps Build Strong Immune Foundation in Breeder Hens and Their Progeny

Poulvac Maternavac® 4 protects against IBD, reovirus, Newcastle, IBV

Poulvac Maternavac® 4, an inactivated vaccine from Zoetis that helps protect chickens against four important diseases, has been licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and will begin shipping this fall, the company announced today.

The new vaccine is built on the success of Poulvac Maternavac® IBD-Reo — a vaccine that protects against standard and variant strains of infectious bursal disease (IBD), as well as malabsorption caused by reovirus. Poulvac Maternavac 4 offers these same protections, in addition to Newcastle disease (ND) and infectious bronchitis virus (IBV). (See complete indications below.)

“The vaccine helps to build a strong base of immunity against four diseases in breeder hens and three diseases in broiler offspring,” said Kalen Cookson, DVM, director of clinical research, Zoetis.

“That’s particularly important today because raising robust broilers has become more challenging with the surge in ‘no antibiotics ever’ production,” he added. “It stands to reason that chicks with a solid immune base are more likely to perform well during grow-out, regardless of the production system.”

As an added benefit, using the four-way vaccine helps to reduce labor and bird stress by eliminating at least one injection, he explained.

Careful strain selection

Like Poulvac Maternavac IBD-Reo, Poulvac Maternavac 4 contains the classic Lukert strain of IBD and the cross-protective variant Group-6 produced on bursal-tissue origin (BTO), Cookson said, noting the most prevalent IBD strains are new-type variants.[i]

The reovirus antigens in Poulvac Maternavac 4 are the tenosynovitis strain 1733 VA and the malabsorption strain 2408. Previous studies by Zoetis demonstrated that progeny receiving higher classic reovirus antibodies had less tendon swelling and were protected from weight suppression due to Variant Group-1 (Genotype 5) reovirus.[ii]

The ND component of Poulvac Maternavac 4 is based on the mesogenic Kimber strain, which provides strong disease protection against Newcastle disease. “We expect it should relieve concerns about reactions in the hatchery to Newcastle,”[iii] Cookson said, adding that virulent ND, which is deadly to poultry, has been a growing problem in certain areas of the United States.[iv]

Poulvac Maternavac 4 contains the Massachusetts strain of infectious bronchitis, which helps to boost the titer response to all the IBV serotypes — both vaccines and wild type — to which the pullet has been exposed,[v] he added.


Poulvac Maternavac 4 has been shown to be effective for vaccination of healthy, primed chickens against standard and variant IBD, ND, IBV, as well as tenosynovitis and malabsorption due to reovirus. The vaccine has also been shown to protect progeny against these same diseases except IBV.

The four-way vaccine should be administered to primed birds at 0.5 mL at 16 to 22 weeks of age (approximately 4 weeks prior to lay). There is a withholding period of 42 days before processing.

For more information, poultry veterinarians and producers should contact their Zoetis representative.

1Alkie TN, Rautenschlein S. Infectious bursal disease virus in poultry: current status and future prospects.

[1] Cookson K, et al. Comparison of reovirus challenge viruses s-1133 and variant Group-1 in two commercial broiler flocks with different maternal immunity levels. Abstracts, International Poultry Scientific Forum, Atlanta, 2014.

[1] Eldemery F, et al. Infectious Bronchitis Virus S2 of 4/91 Expressed from Recombinant Virus Does Not Protect Against Ark-Type Challenge. Avian Dis. 2017 Sep;61(3):397-401.

[1] USDA, APHIS, Newcastle Disease, Sept. 13, 2019.

Accessed Sept. 16, 2019.

[1] Eldemery F, et al. Avian Dis. 2017 Sep;61(3):397-401.





Diet and Feed Management Practices Affect Air Quality from Poultry Operations

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This fact sheet has been developed to support the implementation of the Natural Resources Conservation Service Feed Management 592 Practice Standard.The Feed Management 592 Practice Standard was adopted by NRCS in 2003 as another tool to assist with addressing resource concerns on livestock and poultry operations.Feed management can assist with reducing the import of nutrients to the farm and reduce the excretion of nutrients in manure.

Download the complete article

Effective Salmonella control requires involvement of entire production chain

y Douglas L. Fulnechek, DVM
Senior Public Health Veterinarian, Zoetis


Since public interest drives public policy, it’s no surprise USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) tightened the standards for the maximum acceptable limit of Salmonella at processing.

The poultry industry is making progress.  The Salmonella prevalence in chicken parts is dropping, based on USDA data.1 However, we have a long way to go — and the pressure is on.

Salmonella’s origin

Salmonella doesn’t originate at the processing plant. It comes from live production. That’s why further reducing its prevalence will require intervention throughout the entire poultry production chain.

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done because young chicks are easily colonized, especially during the first 2 weeks of life. Their normal intestinal flora isn’t fully developed and their immune system is naïve, which makes them a receptive host for Salmonella.

In addition, our production system practices can favor higher Salmonella exposure levels every step of the way if we don’t manage them carefully. Just one example is reusing litter, which contains Salmonella, although adequate top dressing with clean, fresh shavings can reduce early exposure.

Start with breeders

There are a lot of other ways broilers can become contaminated, and it starts with actively shedding breeders. Hens with Salmonella-infected ovaries and oviducts can vertically transmit the infection to broilers. Broilers can become infected if egg shells are contaminated with feces, which is more likely to occur if nest boxes are wet and dirty, if eggs are on the floor where Salmonella is present or if eggs sweat. Other sources are a Salmonella-contaminated egg room or contaminated transport equipment.

The most obvious way to eliminate Salmonella in hens is to eliminate flocks positive for the pathogen. While we all know this isn’t a realistic option, achieving significant reductions in shedding is a realistic goal.

One effective approach is vaccination. Researchers from the University of Georgia found that broilers had a lower Salmonella prevalence upon placement at contract farms and at processing if they were from hens vaccinated against the pathogen compared to broilers from breeders that weren’t vaccinated.2

I recommend giving pullets a couple of live Salmonella Typhimurium vaccines early — preferably on day of hatch and then a field booster — followed by an inactivated Salmonella Enteritidis vaccine at 10 weeks and then one multivalent Salmonella vaccine at about 20 weeks. Including serotypes from Groups B, C and D should help cover the majority of poultry serotypes of concern.

At the breeder farm, soiled and dirty eggs should be culled and discarded because the results with them are poor and can compromise production. If eggs are visibly clean, as they should be, and good culling practices are in place, no disinfection is needed. Egg storage is typically at 65° F to 68° F (18° C to 20° C) and should not exceed 10 to 12 days.

I am aware of some producers using disinfectant wipes on dirty eggs. This practice can increase the incidence of rotten eggs forming during incubation and increase microbial contamination of adjacent hatching chicks. It masks “problem eggs” from hatchery management, gives a false sense of security to the farmer producing them and encourages the egg producer to put more poor-quality eggs into the setting egg pack.

Cleaning is not sanitation

Standards and good handling practices for hatching eggs from farm to hatchery should be enforced. These include routine environmental sanitation of storage facilities, air handling units, egg flats and transport vehicles.

Thorough cleaning and sanitation of the hatchery overall is imperative. Let’s remember, however, that cleaning is not sanitation. The hatchery needs to be microbiologically acceptable. This can be achieved with the use of disinfectant foggers or a micro-aerosol spray routinely applied at various intervals throughout the hatchery and includes setters and hatchers. The disinfectant should be applied as part of a program designed specifically for the facility, typically working under the guidance of sanitation experts.

The ventilation system is important at all stages of production, but at the hatchery, it’s critical. It needs to be clean. Care must be taken to ensure air handling units do not pull in Salmonella-contaminated air.

All hatcheries should have a sanitation standard operating procedure in place for setters, hatchers and transfer equipment. Sanitation effectiveness should be monitored by both ATP-linked bioluminescence and bacterial culture and identification. ATP stands for adenosine triphosphate, an organic chemical that’s used as a marker for contamination. Combined with luminescence technology, it can detect nonspecific contamination immediately.3

ATP-linked bioluminescence is easy and quick, but it may not be appropriate for vaccine-equipment systems.  Bacterial culture and identification will identify specific organisms remaining on contact surfaces.

Preventing Salmonella in broilers

At hatch, competitive-exclusion cocktails administered by spray or gel for improved gut health can help reduce Salmonella colonization to some degree. However, recent broiler-pen studies affirm that live Salmonella vaccination has an even greater impact.4,5

Although most producers are already vaccinating breeders against Salmonella, vaccination of broilers against the pathogen is just catching on. This prompted us to test broiler rinses at rehang for Salmonella in flocks that received Poulvacâ ST at hatch followed by a field boost. This is a modified-live vaccine labeled for the reduction of Salmonella Enteritidis, Salmonella Heidelberg and Salmonella Typhimurium colonization.

In one trial involving over 9.5 million conventionally raised broilers (4 million vaccinates), there was a 60% reduction in carcasses positive for Salmonella compared to unvaccinated flocks (Figure 1).6,7


Figure 1. Salmonella-positive rinses at rehang in conventional broilers vaccinated against Salmonella with a modified-live vaccine compared to unvaccinated controls

Click chart to enlarge


In another trial involving 8.5 million broilers raised without antibiotics (4 million vaccinates), there was about a 30% reduction in positive carcasses and 40% reduction in parts positive for Salmonella (Figure 2).8,9


Figure 2. Salmonella-positive rinses at rehang and parts in broilers vaccinated against Salmonella with a modified-live vaccine and raised without antibiotics as compared to unvaccinated controls

Click chart to enlarge

Besides vaccination, proper ventilation and litter management to reduce litter moisture will help keep Salmonella numbers down during growout. So can drinking water acidification, which can reduce Salmonella levels in the crop. For at least the last 72 hours, water should be progressively acidified to the lowest pH that doesn’t affect water consumption.

Since broilers with a healthy intestinal tract are likely to carry less Salmonella,10 coccidiosis control is important. Composting or windrowing litter and avoidance of overcrowding are likewise useful. So is flock downtime — 18 days is acceptable, but if the contract allows, 21 days is better.

Feed withdrawal before processing needs to be just right. The goal is to reduce intestinal contents, but if birds get so hungry they start eating litter, they’re more likely to have Salmonella in their crops. The target withdrawal time is 8 hours. Intestinal strength diminishes with withdrawals of more than 10 hours.

Salmonella in feed

Speaking of feed, it’s best to consider all feed ingredients as Salmonella-contaminated, and even if they aren’t, they need to be protected from contamination. One important way to do that is by controlling dust when raw ingredients are delivered since dust can be a major source of Salmonella.

When heating feed for pelleting, the temperature needs to reach 185° F (85 °C). Be sure to avoid condensation in the pellet cooler. Formaldehyde and propionic acid can also be used to eliminate Salmonella in feed.

Feed mill equipment must be sanitized after cleaning. It’s imperative to have a robust pest-control program and tight biosecurity throughout the mill. Work shoes in particular can transfer Salmonella. Wild birds and, for that matter, all other animals need to be kept away from the mill and flocks.

Last chance: processing

As we all know, processing is our last chance to contain or eliminate Salmonella on chicken carcasses.

There should be a pre-scald carcass brush wash.  It also helps to use acidic sanitizers on picker rails.

Scalders can be an intervention. If you use an acid sanitizer, you can decrease the scalder temperature to help maintain skin integrity, which reduces bacterial attachment and improves picking. The scalder temperature, however, shouldn’t go below 123° F (50.5° C), in which case Salmonella will grow. In addition, if you reduce fat liquefaction, and fat on equipment and in the chiller, you not only improve yield, you’ll have less Salmonella.

The evisceration process must ensure sanitary dressing. This might require reducing the line speed, adjusting equipment or making staff changes to prevent digestive-tract spillage and get the job properly done.

Producers have several options for chilling, including peroxyacetic acid (commonly called PAA), hypochlorus acid, which is chlorine, and buffered sulfuric acid. Organic and inorganic acids are also possibilities.

Post-chill, antimicrobial and/or acidified immersion baths should be used. Processing belts should be treated continuously with an antimicrobial such as chlorine, a stabilized acid or peroxyacetic acid.

When proper processing procedures are coupled with live-side efforts, they can go a long way toward reducing the prevalence of Salmonella on chicken carcasses.

Communication is essential

Based on my 29 years as a supervisory public health veterinarian, I can tell you that communication among everyone involved in poultry production is essential for good Salmonella control. Anecdotally, I can report that poultry companies with good management and communication among all facets of production have better results.

I recommend that live production managers attend FSIS meetings at least once monthly and review condemned carcasses along with processing plant management. Live production managers as well as service technicians and processing plant managers should collaborate on feed withdrawal to find what works best to prevent litter picking yet reduce intestinal contents.

There’s no doubt that a properly executed Salmonella prevention and control plan requires a lot of hard work and resources, but it’s not optional. It’s the cost of doing business. It prevents recalls, protects a producer’s brand and, in doing so, can save a lot of heartache and money.


Editor’s note: The opinions and recommendations presented in this article belong to the author and are not necessarily shared by the editors of Poultry Health Today or Zoetis.


1 Peterson A. The Chicken Parts Performance Standard: Opportunities Ahead.
2 Dorea F, et al. Effect of Salmonella Vaccination of Breeder Chickens on Contamination of Broiler Chicken Carcasses in Integrated Poultry Operations. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2010 Dec;76(23):7820-7825.
3 Chollet R, et al. Use of ATP Bioluminescence for Rapid Detection and Enumeration of Contaminants: The Milliflex Rapid Microbiology Detection and Enumeration System.
4 Data on file, Study Report No. 04-16-7ADMJ, Zoetis, LLC.
5 Data on file, Study Report No. 04-17-7ADMJ, Zoetis, LLC.
6 Data on file, Study Report No. 04-16-7ADMJ, Zoetis, LLC.
7 On file, Integrated Food Safety Management From Zoetis. Poulvacâ ST: Protecting Profitability From the Inside Out. Integrated Food Safety Management From Zoetis.
8 Data on file, Study Report No. 01-17-7ADMJ, Zoetis, LLC.
9 On file, Integrated Food Safety Management From Zoetis. Poulvacâ ST: Protecting Profitability From the Inside Out. Integrated Food Safety Management From Zoetis.
10 Da Costa M, et al. Studies on the interaction of necrotic enteritis severity and Salmonella prevalence in broiler chickens. Proceedings of the Sixty-Seventh Western Disease Poultry Conference. 2018;55-56.

Performance Trace Minerals Help Decrease Skin Lesions in Poultry

Multiple whole chicken carcasses wrapped in plastic on a table.

The skin or epithelial tissue of an animal provides a physical barrier between the animal and its environment, protecting the animal from bacteria and physical injury. In the case of poultry, if the integrity of the skin is challenged, the health of the bird can be compromised, and the value of the end-product can dramatically decrease.

A consumer purchasing a chicken breast does not want to see any visual scratches to the skin of the breast or blemishes to the breast itself when making a purchase decision.

Factors Impacting Skin Lesions in Poultry

There are several factors that can impact the integrity of the skin in a poultry operation and lead to scratches, such as stocking density, nutrition, type of equipment in the broiler house and handling during capture and processing. Once a scratch occurs, the bird is more susceptible to a bacterial infection. This can impact the overall wellness of the bird and result in a total carcass condemnation.

Prevention is the best solution, but there are also steps poultry producers can take to enhance the integrity or resilience of the skin or epithelial tissue.

Rapidly dividing cells, such as those of the epidermis or skin, are dependent on zinc to provide a strong skin or epithelial barrier to protect against bacteria and physical damage. Ninety percent of the cells found in the skin are called keratinocytes, the predominant type of cell in the epidermis. Keratinocytes form the outermost layer of cells that protect animals and humans from environmental challenges. Should a pathogen invade the outer layer of the epidermis, keratinocytes react by producing pro-inflammatory mediators, which attract leukocytes to the site of pathogen invasion helping to fight the infection challenge and heal the site.

This is important, as between 6 and 20 percent of the zinc stored in the body — human and animal — is in the outermost epithelial layers of the skin.

Availa®Zn helps reduce skin lesions in poultry

Zinpro Corporation funded a study in coordination with Auburn University to investigate the effect of feeding broilers different forms of zinc on skin tears and scratches. Results from the study showed feeding zinc from Availa®Zn resulted in a reduction in sores, scabs and scratches on the thigh and back of broilers.

The study involved 1,440 one-day-old male broiler chicks in a randomized design containing eight replicates per treatment and 60 birds for each replicate. There were three study treatments:

  • Control Treatment: Ration containing 80 ppm of inorganic zinc sulfate
  • Availa®Zn Iso Treatment: Ration contained 40 ppm of zinc sulfate and 40 ppm of Availa-Zn
  • Availa-Zn On Top Treatment: Ration contained 80 ppm of zinc sulfate and 40 ppm of Availa-Zn

Research from the Auburn study showed that the proportion of skin lesions decreased from 42.7 percent in broilers fed the inorganic zinc sulfate to 9.6 percent in birds fed zinc from Availa-Zn. In addition, the study also showed that the percent of broilers with cellulitis lesions declined from 52 percent in broilers fed inorganic zinc sulfate to 40 percent in broilers fed Availa-Zn. Broilers fed Availa-Zn had fewer skin tears and scratches (40 percent compared to 52 percent), resulting in less incidents, and the incidence of severe cellulitis declined from 20 to 8 percent in broilers fed Availa-Zn.

In addition, the prevalence of pododermatitis — an inflammation of the bird’s feet triggered by the litter conditions — was measured in this study. The inclusion of zinc from Availa-Zn in the diet reduced the prevalence and severity of pododermatitis.

By feeding Availa-Zn, poultry producers can improve broiler skin integrity which helps reduce the incidence of sores, scabs, scratches and pododermatitis in chickens. This results in less potential for carcass condemnation and more meat to sell. In addition, a stronger epithelial layer also helps protect the bird from bacterial or pathogenic infections.

Contact your Zinpro representative or download the Poultry Skin: Barrier and Healing research report to learn more about performance trace minerals, including Availa-Zn, and their role in helping to prevent poultry skin lesions and scratches.

Keys to successful coccidiosis control with a bioshuttle program, By Greg Mathis, PhD, Southern Poultry Research


Resistance is unlikely to be a problem in coccidiosis bioshuttle programs, Greg Mathis, PhD, Southern Poultry Research, told Poultry Health Today.

Bioshuttle programs start with hatchery vaccination against coccidiosis followed by use of an in-feed anticoccidial. Alternative products are also often used, Mathis said.

The key to success with bioshuttle programs in no-antibiotics-ever (NAE) production, he said, is allowing immunity to develop after vaccination. Toward that end, Mathis recommended one and a half or two coccidia cycles after vaccination — the coccidial lifecycle being 7 days — before using an in-feed anticoccidial.

He cautioned that when an anticoccidial is administered after vaccination, it must not be done too soon because it could kill off vaccinal coccidial oocysts before some immunity has developed. The appropriate time to administer an in-feed anticoccidial is about 14 to 16 days after vaccination, he said.

Sensitive oocysts

Although coccidial resistance remains a major concern, it’s unlikely to develop in a bioshuttle program because every time the vaccine is used, coccidia that are still sensitive to in-feed anticoccidials are reintroduced to the poultry house, Mathis said.

Ionophores can’t be used in NAE production systems because they are considered antibiotics by the Food and Drug Administration, but in conventional production, they are viewed as a valuable tool.

The return of zoalene

Mathis pointed out there are only seven non-ionophore anticoccidials available in the US and all have been around for decades.

One of them is zoalene, which returned to the U.S. poultry market in 2014 following a 9-year hiatus stemming from an ingredient shortage.

The product’s return has been helpful to the industry, particularly to NAE production systems that often use it in a bioshuttle program with vaccines, Mathis said. Because there is some coccidial leakage with zoalene, it allows some immunity to develop.

Alternative products in the rotation

Antibiotic alternatives are being used more frequently as part of a bioshuttle program, but they are not used as stand-alone products; they tend to be used continuously through production to help prevent coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis, he said.

Producers understand how probiotics work and therefore use them widely in coccidiosis-control programs. Other alternatives used include saponins such as triterpenoids and yucca extracts, as well as essential oils, which have antibacterial and antiprotozoal activity, Mathis said.

Among the feed acidifiers, butyric acid improves villi growth and strength and has generated a lot of interest among producers. Any feed acidification will reduce Clostridium and Salmonella as well, he added.

Necrotic Enteritis Is Robbing Your Profits, Written by Dr. Duarte Neves Poultry Nutritionist Zinpro Corporation

Broiler chicks on litter.

Necrotic enteritis is one of the most common diseases in the poultry industry and can have a large negative impact on poultry operations. Subclinical cases can lead to slower growth, while clinical cases can cause a sharp increase in mortality, ultimately resulting in lower profits for poultry producers.

The disease occurs when predisposing agents such as coccidial protozoa cause lesions to the intestinal mucosa, disrupting the normal function of the gut and its microbial population. This creates the perfect environment for Clostridium perfringens to strive and bloom, creating characteristic necrosis of the intestinal epithelium.

Eimeria species can be found in every chicken house and in coccidiosis vaccines. For this reason, enteritis and necrotic enteritis are difficult infections to manage and require special attention, particularly in programs with reduced antibiotic usage.

Symptoms and Treatment Options for Necrotic Enteritis

At first, subclinical necrotic enteritis may be hard to spot in a flock. In many cases, it is not apparent that a flock is infected until there is a spike in mortality and/or after performing a routine necropsy.

With subclinical necrotic enteritis, the birds will exhibit slower growth rates due to lower feed efficiency, little by little, for several days before it’s noticed. This means more days for birds to get to market weight, or in less marketable weight in systems where birds are processed on a certain day. Either way, necrotic enteritis is robbing profitability.

The easiest clinical necrotic enteritis symptom to spot is an increase in mortality in the flock. If mortality reaches 2% or higher, the flock will need to be treated with an antibiotic to ensure the infection doesn’t spread to the rest of the flock. Other notable clinical signs include more apathetic, less active birds.

Once their flock has to be treated with an antibiotic in the feed, poultry producers raising birds in a no-antibiotics-ever system will need to shift the flock to a conventional production system, receiving a lower premium for that meat and again resulting in reduced profits.

Manage Coccidiosis, Manage Necrotic Enteritis

Necrotic enteritis management is directly correlated with the management of coccidiosis.

For example, administering a coccidiosis vaccine on day 1 will cause it to cycle early and allow the birds to slowly build an immunity to it while their immune system is not very reactive. This gives them a chance to recover and return to normal growth rates before processing.

If birds contract coccidiosis later in life, their immune system will be more reactive, and necrotic enteritis will have more of an impact on their growth, ultimately not allowing enough time to recover before they go to market.

Performance Trace Minerals for a Rapid, Robust Immune Response

Zinc, manganese and copper from Zinpro Performance Minerals® help defend birds from necrotic enteritis from the very beginning by helping birds mount a rapid and robust immune response and regulating inflammation caused by necrotic enteritis. By improving gut health, performance trace minerals help reduce Clostridium perfringens that permeate the gut.

Research shows that birds receiving a Clostridium perfringens challenge supplemented with zinc from Availa®Zn and manganese from Availa®Mn had less severe lesions scores and lower mortality rates, as well as increased weight gain and better feed conversion rates, compared with birds that received no supplementation or received inorganic trace minerals.

Table showing mortality rate and necrotic enteritis lesion scores.

To learn more about including performance trace minerals from Zinpro Performance Minerals in your poultry nutrition program to help manage coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis, contact your Zinpro representative today.

Healthy Hens = Healthy Eggs = Healthy You!

Providing a healthy, balanced diet is one of the most important parts of our job as egg farmers. To be healthy and produce nutritious eggs, hens require a variety of nutrients and access to fresh water.

At Burnbrae, we work with an expert poultry nutritionist who formulates the hens’ diets with a mix of quality ingredients. To learn more about what Burnbrae egg-laying hens eat, we went right to the source – Dr. Dave, our poultry nutritionist.

Dr. Dave, what are the common ingredients in a typical hen diet? Why those particular ingredients?

“Typically, egg-laying hens are fed a balanced diet including soy protein, canola protein, grains like corn and wheat, animal protein products, fat, minerals and vitamins. All of these ingredients supply important nutrient sources for the health, well-being and ability of the hens to produce quality eggs.”

Are there special diets for hens to produce different types of eggs – Omega 3 eggs, for example? Are there others?

“Yes, indeed. There are special diets fed to hens to produce the different types of eggs that you can find in the supermarket. Naturegg Omega-3 eggs are produced from hens fed flaxseed in their diet. The flaxseed contains omega-3 oils which are deposited into the egg.

Lutein-enriched eggs are produced when hens’ diets are supplemented with crushed marigold petals, which are rich in lutein. The lutein is deposited into the egg yolk which makes it a dark orange color.

Some eggs have nutritional claims in that they contain a “greater percent dietary value” of certain vitamins, compared to levels normally found in eggs. These higher vitamin levels are achieved by feeding some hens higher-than-normal amounts of vitamins, and those vitamins are then deposited in greater quantities into the egg. It is important to understand that all hens receive vitamin supplementation at sufficient amounts so that they stay healthy and produce quality eggs.

Packages that claim eggs as “animal by-product free” are produced from hens consuming feed that does not contain animal proteins. Because birds have evolved as omnivores, including an animal protein source in the diet is important for optimal hen health, and most egg-laying hens are fed small amounts of such protein.”

Does diet impact the size and quality of the egg?

“Yes, it can. The protein content in the hens’ feed can affect egg size. Differences in egg quality can also be affected by ingredients in the diet. Some of these differences could be yolk color, shell thickness and quality, the type of fat deposited, and the quantity of individual vitamins and minerals in the egg.”

What influences the flavour of an egg?

“This is a difficult question to answer as “flavour or taste” differs amongst people.  Even in controlled tests, not all taste testers detect flavour differences in eggs that came from hens that were fed and/or raised differently.  Some feed ingredients will affect egg flavour such as fish meal and rapeseed meal which can impart a fishy flavour; but feed nutritionists formulate feeds to avoid this problem.  Many people believe that “pastured” eggs taste best.  This may be due to the hens eating wild grasses and bugs as part of their diets.  Since most of the taste of the egg comes from the yolk, some spice oils can cause some flavour differences.  Some people find that Omega-3 eggs taste better than typical eggs. In summary, the flavour of an egg can be affected by what the hen eats.”

Are free-range/pastured eggs nutritionally better for you than eggs that come from hens raised in a barn?

“Not necessarily. In all reality, the nutrient content of many egg products sold in retail stores are quite similar. Hens are managed and fed to produce eggs that meet the nutrition profile set by CFIA (Canadian Food Inspection Agency). It’s important to know that free-range and pastured hens are also fed a grain-based diet similar to hens raised inside. If we wanted to change the typical nutrient profile of eggs, we would need to make significant changes in how we feed all hens. Such changes could include the type of fat, the amount of plant pigments, or the amount of vitamins added to feed.

Regardless of where the hen is raised and what ingredients are in her diet, eggs provide several essential nutrients to help all Canadians meet their daily nutrition requirements.”

Are hens fed differently depending on the time of year?

“Hens may be fed differently in different seasons, but that is generally not necessary. We occasionally change the “recipe” of their diet based on supply and availability of ingredients added to feed. Through a hens’ life, her nutritional needs change – similar to how human nutritional needs change as we grow and mature. That’s why the feed composition is professionally managed to maintain the health of the flock and to produce high quality eggs.”

Why should consumers care about how hens are fed?

There are many types of eggs that are marketed with different nutritional claims, and that can create confusion in what eggs to purchase. Consumers can make more informed decisions about the eggs that best fit their needs and lifestyle, when they have a basic understanding of how hens are fed differently to produce those eggs.

Everyone at Burnbrae Farms understands that healthy hens produce great eggs – and we’re glad to have help from experts like Dr. Dave to ensure our hens eat a balanced diet every day!

Sentinel broilers, PCR testing help isolate, identify evolving IBV populations in Arkansas, By Abigail Reith, DVM, a technical services veterinarian for Zoetis.


How do you look for new serotypes of a virus that might be circulating in an area? Sentinel birds are a good place to start, according to Abigail Reith, DVM, a technical services veterinarian for Zoetis.

In a recent study in Arkansas, she used infectious bronchitis (IB) spires designed to look for serotypes of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), a coronavirus that is a highly infectious respiratory disease in chickens.

“We knew that, potentially, we had a new serotype floating around, so we wanted to use the single birds to see if we could isolate [the virus] and identify it in the broiler breeder houses,” she told Poultry Health Today.

Sentinel birds are frequently used in the poultry industry to get a better handle on IB serotypes. Reith’s project used 100 sentinel birds that only received a coccidiosis vaccine at the hatchery and then were reared in a facility with no other poultry contact.

“At this point, we’re thinking these 28-day-old birds have not been exposed to any sort of bronchitis, and we can place them in a house and look for active infection floating through the house by [checking] them 7 to 11 days later,” she said. “The idea is to place naïve birds in an environment where they are exposed…, so we have an idea of what is in that house at that time period.”

The production systems in question were located in Arkansas and had issues with both airsacculitis in broilers and in the egg production and quality issues in broiler breeders. According to Reith, airsacculitis is not a disease itself but rather a symptom of a disease caused by bacteria such as Escherica coliMycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae or Mycoplasma meleagridis. It typically peaks in the late winter and early fall, in keeping with cold/heat-stress and poor ventilation.

Reith and her team took samples and performed a generic “yes” or “no” polymerase chain reaction (PCR) bronchitis test on the sentinel birds’ tracheas after necropsies. They found that all of the sentinel birds were positive for IBV.

They followed that discovery with PCR testing for the different serotypes, which showed the birds were infected with Delmarva/1639 (DMV/1639) of IBV — a serotype of IB first seen on the East Coast. Symptoms of DMV/1639 were different in Arkansas than they were on the East Coast, Reith said.

“Surprisingly, it was more a kidney form at first [on the East Coast]. When it became a big issue in 2014-2015, [growers] were seeing kidney bronchitis — the nephropathogenic form — with some respiratory symptoms. As we’re seeing it in Arkansas, it’s very rare to see flushing in the houses, and it’s more the respiratory type and airsacculitis, as well as decreased egg production and wrinkled eggs.”

No commercial vaccine is available to protect against DMV/1639, but investigators thought there may be some cross-protection between DMV/1639 and Georgia 08 antigens. If there is cross-protection, Reith’s understanding is that it will be fairly consistent from flock to flock. It largely depends on what those birds are being challenged with in the field — how much DMV/1639 and Georgia 08 are present — for the vaccination to be effective against both viruses, she explained.

How DMV/1639 jumped from Delmarva to Arkansas remains a mystery, but it’s suspected that contaminated fecal matter on eggs, equipment and/or people may have been a factor, she added. In this study, Reith found:

  • Numerous IBV serotypes are circulating in Arkansas.
  • Sentinel birds can be used to help identify the challenge and guide in vaccination protocol.
  • A generic PCR will determine if IBV is there or not, then targeted testing for specific serotypes will identify those being masked by a vaccination protocol or field challenge.

No silver bullet, but…

There’s no silver bullet to control IB, Reith said, but management is just as critical as vaccination in controlling the virus.

For example, in addition to vaccination, maintaining good ventilation and keeping ammonia levels low are critical for keeping the virus in check.  Biosecurity also is important. “The hope is that people can stick to the rules and not spread the virus around,” she said. “There’s always room for improvement with house management. You just can’t underestimate biosecurity, can you?”

Matching vaccination programs with the field challenge is also critical.

Euthanasia of Recently Hatched Neonates

Texas A&M AgriLife Research

Dr. Morgan Farnell, PhD
Department of Poultry Science
Texas A&M University
101 Kleberg Building; 2472 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843

In the egg industry, the sex of day-old chicks is determined at the hatchery. Male layer chicks, unwanted sexes from breeding lines and broiler chicks with lethal deformities or inability to pip must be euthanized humanely at the day of hatch. Currently, instantaneous mechanical destruction (maceration) is the predominant euthanasia method used in poultry hatcheries and approved by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). However, it is not always perceived by the public to be a humane means of euthanasia.

The purpose of this study was three-pronged: to determine the most humane and efficacious method of gas asphyxiation of chicks in a customized chamber; to evaluate the use of a vacuum system as a means of day of hatch euthanasia; and to adapt the best of the above treatments for a large-scale hatchery field trial. The welfare of neonatal chicks euthanized by these alternative methods was evaluated through behavioral and physiological responses.

The alternative euthanasia methods evaluated included carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2) and a vacuum system to euthanize day-of-hatch male layer chicks. In the laboratory phase, male layer chicks were subjected to breathing air, 25% CO2, 50% CO2, 75% CO2, 90% CO2, 100% N2 and an experimental vacuum system. Chicks recovered from the exposure to the 25% and 50% CO2 treatments. The CO2 treated chicks (either 75% or 90%) spent less time to lose posture and to reach motionlessness than chicks treated by the vacuum system or N2 inhalation. However, there were no statistical differences among 75% CO2, 90% CO2, 100% N2 and vacuum treatments in the level of stress hormones detected in the chicks. In the field study, male layer chicks were subjected to breathing air, CO2, N2 and a low atmospheric pressure stunning (LAPSâ„¢) system in a commercial chamber. The N2 treated chicks spent more time to initiate ataxia, loss of posture, convulsions and motionlessness and demonstrated higher corticosterone levels; whereas the LAPS™ system and the CO2 methods induced unconsciousness of chicks quicker without increasing stress levels. Interestingly, the CO2 treatmentincreased the hormone responsible for eliciting a sense of well-being in chicks compared to the other treatments.

The data collected suggests that both CO2 and vacuum treatments could be considered as alternatives to maceration to euthanize day of hatch chicks humanely and quickly on a commercial scale. The investment of the chamber, gas cost and worker safety/training may be short-term drawbacks for these methods. These methods have been shown to be humane alternatives.

Basic Husbandry for Turkeys

Table of Contents

  1. Handy Hints
 Criteria Norms During Growth Norms After Maturity Trouble Shooting Checklist

(At birds height)

Under Brooders

Day Old – 1 week:
1-2: 32°C
2-3: 29°C
3-4: 27°C
4-5: 21-24°C

Room Temperature


(Bird’s comfort)

Too High: pasty cloacas, spreading and flapping, crowding away from heat source

Too Low: feather ruffling, huddling and piling near heat source

Ammonia (P.P.M.) Maximum: 25 ppm (see next page) Maximum: 25 ppm Too High: eye burns, higher incidence of breast blisters – leg problems
Air Movement 0.11 m3 per minute per kg live bird


2.75-3.0 cfm per kg live bird

0.11 m3 per minute per kg live bird


2.75-3.0 cfm per Kg live bird

Poor: high ammonia levels, wet, caked litter, Respiratory problems, increased foot problems, poor growth because of wet litter
(see next page)
Lighting First 5 Days:
50 lux

After 1 week: adequate light for feeding and activity

Daylight Interval

Intensity must be 10 X greater than DARK interval to ensure good production levels

Too High: cannibalism, flighty, nervous behaviour

Too Low: poor intakes, poor growth and feed conversion
Feeder Space
(per bird) – ad lib

Water Trough
(per bird)

0.4 wks. – 3.5 cm
4-12 wks. – 8.0 cm
12 weeks – mature

Feed – 10-12 cm
Water – 10-12 cm

Too Small: poor intakes, poor growth and starveouts
Density – Floor or Cage Space

(per bird)


0-4 weeks: 0.5 m2
4-8 weeks: 0.22 m2
8-12 weeks: 0.3 m2


0-4 weeks: 0.5 m2
4-8 weeks: 0.25 m2
8-12 weeks: 0.30 m2


12-16 weeks
16-20 weeks
at least 0.3 m2/bird


12-16 weeks
16-20 weeks
at least 0.4 m2/bird

Too Dense: feather picking, cannibalism, more injuries, more health problems, poorer carcasses or lower feed efficiency, wet litter – leg problems

Handy Hints

Humans can detect the smell of ammonia at 7 p.p.m.

When human eyes are affected (watering/burning), ammonia levels are at least 20 p.p.m.

Fan Diameter in Inches Fan Capacity, CFM
 8 200
10 400
12 1000
14 1500
16 2000
18 3000
20 4000
24 5000
30 7000
36 10000


Figure 1. Guideline: Lamping Requirements for Poultry Chart. Shows Number of Square Feet per 60 Watt Bulb. Peter Nicholas, Energy Advisor – Agriculture, Ontario Hydro

Text Equivalent of Figure 1

Example (Real Barn):

A maintained light level of 20 lux may be achieved by using one standard 60W/120V incandescent bulb for every 200 square feet of floor space, or by using one long-life 60W/130V incandescent bulb for every 120 square feet of floor space in a dark barn.

Example (Research Lab):

A white clean room will have 40 lux with about one lamp per 280 square feet, or about 20 lux if one bulb per 560 square feet is used.

  • Save Energy: Use 9 Watt to 11 Watt compact fluorescent lamps instead of 60 Watt/130 Volt incandescent bulbs
  • Save Energy: Use 13 Watt to 15 Watt compact fluorescent lamps instead of 60 Watt/120 Volt incandescent bulbs


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