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STOP Foodborne Illness calls for stronger USDA action on poultry safety

From the beginning of the Biden Administration, STOP Foodborne Illness (STOP) has been representing people harmed by poultry-related Salmonella illnesses and supporting efforts underway at USDA to make poultry safer.  This work is important to public health because contamination with Salmonella and Campylobacter makes poultry one of the riskiest components of our food supply.

STOP’s work is inspired by its constituents, including Amanda Craten and her son Noah, and many others who have been seriously injured by Salmonella in poultry.  As a two-year old toddler, Noah was one of many victims of the 2013 outbreak caused by Salmonella Heidelberg in chicken.  This deadly pathogen wracked Noah’s small body with infection, resulting in a brain abscess that required surgery and caused permanent damage that Noah will struggle all his life to overcome.

To prevent such tragedies, in January 2021 STOP partnered with fellow consumer groups and illness victims to petition USDA for replacement of USDA’s unenforceable “performance standards” with enforceable standards for Salmonella in raw poultry products.  In September 2021, STOP joined with a coalition of major poultry companies, consumer groups, and independent experts in a letter to Secretary Vilsack calling for USDA to make this critical regulatory change.

We are pleased that USDA published its August 2024 proposal to set enforceable Salmonella standards for certain specific serotypes. The proposal establishes the principle that such standards are needed.  We are also pleased that USDA will convene a public meeting on its proposed standards on Dec. 3.

We believe, however, that the USDA proposal falls far short of what is necessary to protect consumers because it covers just three of the many pathogenic serotypes of Salmonella and, by USDA’s estimate, addresses only 43 percent of poultry-related Salmonella illnesses.  Under USDA’s proposal, chicken contaminated with dangerous serotypes, like Infantis and Heidelberg (the one that permanently injured Noah), can continue to flow into commerce, no matter how high the level of contamination.  Consumers would remain at significant, preventable risk.

In anticipation of the December 3 USDA meeting, STOP has filed a comment with USDA (Docket No. FSIS-2023-0028) explaining why consumers reasonably expect and certainly deserve better.  The Poultry Products Inspection Act explicitly directs and fully empowers USDA to act preventively on behalf of consumers.  The USDA mark of inspection on every package of poultry makes an implicit promise to consumers that USDA and poultry processors are doing everything they reasonably can to make poultry safe.

As outlined in our comment to USDA, we call on the USDA and poultry companies to live up to that promise by broadening their lens on what’s needed and what’s possible to protect consumers from Salmonella illnesses.  USDA can give real meaning to the mark of inspection by covering more serotypes and complementing them with an enforceable Salmonella species standard.

The end of the Biden administration is not the end of society’s effort to make poultry safe.  The public health problem and the reasonable expectations of consumers are not going away.  Everyone wins if government, industry, and consumers continue the work, and USDA acts boldly.

Source: Food Safety News

**The opinions expressed in this content are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views, beliefs, or positions of**

General Mills Gift Supports Poultry Environment Research

While terms like “free range” and “pasture raised” are increasingly common labels on chicken products, three professors in NC State University’s College of Agriculture and Life Science (CALS) are delving deeper to better understand the housing environment’s effect on poultry.

“There are pressures on the [poultry] industry to make some significant management changes to their broiler flocks to address concerns about animal welfare and sustainability,” says lead researcher Allison Pullin, assistant professor of animal welfare in the Prestage Department of Poultry Science.

The research project, supported with funds gifted by General Mills, compares two breeds of broiler chickens with different growth rates (conventional fast-growing or slow-growing). Both breeds were raised in an indoor conventional poultry barn or with daily access to an outdoor silvopasture, an agroforestry environment with trees and foliage. General Mills’ generosity also  provided student research stipends and funding for other research expenses to fuel poultry science advances.

Pullin credits General Mills’ partnership to NC State alumna Brooke Bartz, an R&D specialist with the company. Bartz earned her master’s and Ph.D. in poultry science at NC State in 2016 and 2020, respectively. When General Mills pledged to adopt higher standards for animal welfare, Bartz suggested General Mills secure more data about the effects of housing environments on animal welfare, food safety and meat quality. She recommended they connect with NC State for help to generate data to inform best practices to improve these outcomes.

Initiatives like the “Better Chicken Commitment” and increasingly common claims like “free range” and “pasture raised” require slower-growing breeds, environmental changes or both. Modifying these management practices, says Pullin, could have significant economic impacts on farmers and consumers, so it is critical to have comprehensive evidence to justify the changes.

“Unfortunately, there’s limited research and evidence guiding some of those changes,” she says. “If we make changes too quickly, we may run into issues that could have negative impacts on animal welfare, food safety, meat quality and affordability.”

Comparing Environments

Before research began with live birds, General Mills funded the team to develop a literature review summarizing what is already known about outdoor access and growth rates for poultry welfare, food safety, meat quality, and economics.

The team learned that animal and product outcomes are highly variable with outdoor access environments and difficult to compare between studies because of the heterogeneity of breeds and farm conditions used. To develop reliable evidence to guide the industry, the team identified the need to standardize breeds and conditions to compare conventional production with outdoor access.

They set up a research project with two breeds of broiler chickens raised in two housing systems (conventional or silvopasture) that ran from August to October 2024. Each environment housed a flock of 250 chickens per breed: a fast-growing breed that matures in about six weeks and a slower-growing strain that takes eight to 10 weeks to reach a standard 6-pound weight.

The birds were divided into five replicate pens in each environment with 50 birds per pen. R&B Farms, a  private farm in Angier, North Carolina, served as the site for the housing and paddocks for the silvopasture environment. NC State’s Chicken Education Unit in Raleigh housed the conventional indoor environment.

a woman and a man hold chickens in an outdoor pen
Yan Campbell and graduate student Jean Caceres Concepcion monitor the slow-growing Sasso chicken breed raised in the silvopasture environment.

Researching Three Perspectives

The three professors involved in the study are each gathering data from a different perspective.

Animal Welfare 

Pullin monitored the study from an animal welfare perspective. Using metrics like animal behavior, animal health and insights from psychology research on animals’ mental states, she studies how different management strategies affect poultry welfare.

For this project, Pullin is investigating how the two breeds behave in and utilize the two environments. Conventionally fast-growing breeds tend to become more inactive with age, which can make them prone to footpad dermatitis if they have prolonged contact with wet ground. Wet ground could occur in either environment from manure or water. Slower-growing breeds tend to be more active, which may improve leg health and utilization of space, particularly in the silvopasture system.

The two breeds are being evaluated to see if  one may be more suitable for a certain  environment over another. Measurements like footpad dermatitis, leg bone strength and stress hormones will be coupled with behavior analyses to understand how using the environment affects other metrics. Pullin’s graduate student Athena He-DeMontaron has been instrumental in the data collection efforts for her master’s thesis.

Meat Quality 

Yan Campbell, an assistant professor and processing and products specialist who has a food science and technology background, is considering how the fresh meat quality differs between the two breeds and the two housing systems. Campbell’s graduate student Jean Caceres is currently working on collecting meat quality data for his master’s thesis research.

“Food companies want to know if the meat quality shows proof that it’s better for animals to be raised in an environment like a silvopasture,” Campbell says. “Our assumption is that it may taste better in some aspects, but can we find out? We will test qualities such as texture, composition, drip loss and cook loss, and will conduct a sensory descriptive study of the taste difference. We’ll also look at myopathy — a quality defect causing muscles to not develop properly, which can lead to chewier, tougher meat.”

Food Safety

And Lin Walker, assistant professor of applied microbiology, approached the project from a food safety angle. She studies how the micro load of Salmonella differs between the two production systems and examines the differences in the gut microbiomes in the chickens raised in the different environments.

Walker says there are many misconceptions among consumers regarding food safety, and as scientists, she and her peers are responsible for using scientific data to reveal the truth.

For example, “We think that birds might have better animal welfare when they’re raised in an outdoor environment,” she says. “But they are also exposed to all sorts of pathogens because the environment is less controlled. However, we need to find out if this exposure would really pose a risk in the poultry products for the consumers.”

two women hold chickens inside a barn
Allison Pullin and Brook Bartz assess the fast-growing Ross 708 breed and the slow-growing Sasso breed raised in a conventional poultry barn.

Sharing the Findings

The live trial wrapped in early October, and the professors are analyzing the data. Pullin and Bartz present details of the NC State and General Mills partnership on Nov. 6 at the Emerging Research Showcase at the North Carolina Biotechnology Center in Durham.

Pullin anticipates the team’s findings will be shared in multiple peer-reviewed journals and other publications. While General Mills helped the study come to fruition, the data will benefit the entire poultry industry.

“Our impactful research could support companies trying to decide how to source their poultry proteins, which management practices to utilize and which types of genetic strains to pursue,” Pullin says.

Collaborations like these benefit not only the industry but also the university and its students. Pullin says most faculty members in her department have at least one project sponsored by an industry company or organization.

“As a land-grant institution, NC State’s mission is to serve the agriculture industry and to provide guidance, data and recommendations,” Pullin says. “Having these direct relationships with companies invested in what we’re doing helps us make real-world impact.”

What’s more, the General Mills collaboration provided opportunities for graduate students and undergraduate students to get involved in testing, research, data collection and professional development.

“Because of General Mills’ financial sponsorship, we are able to expose our graduate students to the opportunity of solving real-life problems,” Walker says.

Source: NC State University – Jessica Harlan

Enterococcus helps E. coli ‘armor up’ in dog and poultry co-infections

A new study finds that two subtypes of pathogenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) produce five to 16 times more protective capsular “slime” when Enterococcus faecalis (EF) is present. The finding could lead to targeted therapies for E. coli infections specific to dogs and poultry.

The E. coli in question—uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC)—cause in dogs and bloodstream infections in poultry, respectively. The findings are published in the journal PLOS ONE.

“Urinary tract infections, while not usually fatal to dogs, are extremely common and one of the leading reasons antibiotics are prescribed in small animal medicine,” says Grayson Walker, former DVM/Ph.D. student at North Carolina State University and corresponding author of the study. Walker is currently a veterinary medical officer with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

“On the other hand, APEC is a leading cause of poultry death worldwide,” Walker says. “And both infections are made more severe when there is a co-infection with EF. Previous studies have shown that part of the reason for this is that EF helps E. coli survive in low-iron environments such as the urinary tract or the bloodstream. We wanted to see what else might be happening.”

The research team began by growing different APEC and UPEC strains progressively closer to Enterococcus in an iron-restricted culture system. They identified EF-responsive strains of APEC and UPEC and noted that these strains grew faster and produced more exopolysaccharide, a slimy, protective capsule, when they were in closer proximity to Enterococcus.

Then they looked at EF-responsive and non-responsive strains in a chicken embryo model of co-infection and found increased mortality in embryos coinfected with EF-responsive strains compared to those coinfected with non-responsive strains or with APEC or EF alone.

They compared the genomes of EF-responsive and non-responsive strains and found that, in addition to iron acquisition genes, responsive strains had genes associated with virulence and capsule production specifically.

“For these infections in dogs and poultry, Enterococcus is acting as E. coli’s armorer,” Walker says. “We already knew that coinfection overcomes low-iron environments. Now we know it also enables E. coli to better protect itself.

“Hopefully this study will lead to the identification of new targets for vaccines or therapeutics against these coinfections of Enterococcus and pathogenic E. coli.”


LYSOFORTE® A Natural Emulsifier to Enhance Lipid Digestibility

LYSOFORTE® is a lysophospholipid based nutritional emulsifier designed to enhance digestion and absorption of energy-rich feed ingredients, including fats, oils and fat-soluble nutrients in livestock and poultry feeds. By optimizing the three steps in fat digestion – emulsification, hydrolysis and absorption – LYSOFORTE provides producers a more consistent fat utilization response, enhanced nutrient absorption, improved animal performance and better feed cost control.

LYSOFORTE optimizes the use of fats and oils in the diet by supporting digestion and absorption. This allows you to either optimize efficiency in your current ration or support animal performance in a reduced energy, lower-cost diet.2:25

Features and Benefits
• Unique, natural emulsifier containing lysophospholipids
• Support growth performance and feed efficiency1,2,3
• Aids in nutrient digestion for young animals
• Positively impacts gut morphology4
• Improve fat emulsification and utilization with lysophospholipids5
• Offer feed cost savings by replacing dietary fats in an energy matrix value reformulation strategy
• Available in a dry, heat-stable form

The primary active ingredient in LYSOFORTE is lysolecithin. Lysolecithin is produced using an enzymatic process where soy lecithin is converted into lysophospholipids (LPLs).5 LPLs have increased hydrophilicity and are more fluid, which improves their capacity to support formation of oil-in-water emulsions. The LPLs in LYSOFORTE have unique physical and chemical properties which have been observed to enhance nutrient absorption and improve feed efficiency in multiple species.

LYSOFORTE Mode of Action

LYSOFORTE features a three-step mode of action that supports the emulsification, hydrolysis and absorption of fats, oils and fat-soluble nutrients in feed. This helps maximize feed efficiency and provide feed cost control.

Figure 1. Lysophospholipids (LPLs) in LYSOFORTE increase the efficiency of each step of fat digestion.

Efficient and easy to incorporate in a premix or complete feed, LYSOFORTE can be used either:
• “On top” of existing diets to improve energy and nutrient absorption,
• With a nutritional matrix to deliver feed cost savings by reformulating diets through reducing the inclusion of dietary fats and oils.

1Wealleans, A.L., et al. (2020). The addition of lysolecithin to broiler diets improves growth performance across fat levels and sources: a meta-analysis of 33 trials. British Poultry Science, 61: 51-56.
2Effect of LYSOFORTE® and LYSOFORTE EXTEND on broiler performance using reformulation and on-top method, TD-23-8743.
3Dose repsonse of LYSOFORTE® on broiler performance using reformulation method, TD-23-8742.
4Brautigan, D.L. et al., (2017). Lysolecithin as feed additive enhances collagen expression and villus length in the jejunum of broiler chickens. Poultry Science, 96: 2889-2898.
5Joshi, A., Paratkar, S.G. and Thorat, B.N. (2006). Modification of lecithin by physical, chemical and enzymatic methods. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology. 108: 363-373.


Natural Emulsifier to Enhance Lipid Digestibility

LYSOFORTE® is a nutritional emulsifier designed to enhance digestion and absorption of energy-rich feed ingredients, including fats, oils and fat-soluble nutrients in livestock and poultry feeds. By optimizing the three steps in fat digestion – emulsification, hydrolysis and absorption – LYSOFORTE provides producers a more consistent fat utilization response, enhanced nutrient absorption, improved animal performance and better feed cost control.

The mode of action of LYSOFORTE is to enhance digestion and absorption of energy-rich feed ingredients, including fats, oils and fat-soluble nutrients. This helps to maximize feed efficiency and provide feed cost control. Learn more here:…


Evaluation of a compressed air foam system to clean quail rearing facilities

Disease prevention plays a fundamental role in addressing challenges in the poultry industry, specifically those related to food safety. Disease outbreaks and foodborne illnesses often result in significant economic losses. Salmonella colonization in poultry pose an increased risk of carcass contamination and disease transmission to humans. Human salmonellosis alone can cost an estimated $3 billion per year in production losses and medical care (Scharff, 2020). Current industry approaches to prevent disease include pest control, vaccination, antibiotic alternatives, feed sanitation, and intensive biosecurity programs.
Effective cleaning and disinfection protocols are a crucial part of any biosecurity program. Removal of bacteria and organic matter, however, can be challenging with standard water-based cleaning agents and spray applicators (Bredholdt et al., 1999). Insufficient product contact time, accumulation of organic material, and the application process can severely impact the efficacy of cleaning agents (Chlibek et al., 2006; Karsten, 2021). Foaming agents are routinely used to clean poultry processing plants and hatcheries, as foams reduce the surface tension of water-based cleaners and prevent droplet formation. This results in improved product coverage and may assist with breakdown of organic material (Chlibek et al., 2006; White et al., 2018).
Compressed air foam systems (CAFS) generate pressurized foams and may serve as an alternative application strategy for cleaning agents. Previous studies have demonstrated the ability of CAFS applied foaming agents to clean and disinfect broiler transportation coops and layer cages. Treatment of transport coops with peracetic acid and a chlorine-based foaming cleaner significantly reduced aerobic bacteria and Salmonella Typhimurium (Hinojosa et al., 2018). In another study, peroxyacetic acid and glutaraldehyde-based disinfectants significantly reduced aerobic bacteria in layer cages (White et al., 2018). The structural similarities between broiler transport coops, layer cages and caged quail facilities provide support for the incorporation of this technology in commercial quail housing. Originally patented by Spielholtz (1988), CAFS application of foaming agents occurs rapidly and may serve as a novel method to clean and sanitize quail rearing facilities.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a CAFS applied commercially available firefighting foam (FF) and chlorine-based foaming cleaner (FC) in quail floor pen and caged rearing facilities. These facilities experienced a history of rodent infestation and correlated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium contamination. We hypothesized that the use of a CAFS to apply the firefighting foam and foaming cleaner would significantly reduce aerobic bacteria and microbial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in both floor pen and caged housing.


Experimental Design

All protocols and procedures for this study were approved by the Texas A&M University Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC). Texas A&M white coturnix quail field trials were conducted in floor pen and caged facilities on a farm 1 mo apart. Prior contamination of the farm with Salmonella Typhimurium due to a significant rodent infestation resulted in a 12-mo layout period without birds. Grow out barns resembled an older style, curtain-sided broiler barn. Birds were reared on wood shavings and dried manure. The caged facility was analogous to a conventional caged chicken egg laying facility, although it was used as a colony breeding system to produce fertile quail eggs. A large population of mice remained in the facility and were seen emerging from the litter during the day, which was surprising for a mammal that is considered nocturnal and neophobic.
In the first trial, FF and FC were applied to 2 separate 80 × 80 ft (24.38 × 24.38 m) floor pen barns. Each product was allowed a 30 min contact time prior to a water rinse and sample collection. Environmental (n = 20) and ATP (n = 20) swabs were collected (pre- and post-treatment) from the walls, metal rails, and posts in each barn. The same treatments were applied to 2 separate 80 × 80 ft (24.38 × 24.38 m) caged quail houses in the second trial. Environmental (n = 20) and ATP (n = 20) swabs were collected (pre- and post-treatment) from the cages and manure belts in each barn.

Treatment Application

Two commercial foam concentrates were diluted in water according to manufacturer’s recommendations. A 1.5% FF solution (Phos-Check WD881, ICL Performance Products LP, Rancho Cucamonga, CA) was prepared by diluting 4.5 gal (17 L) of foam concentrate in 300 gal (1,136 L) of water. A 3% FC solution (Chlor-A-Foam XL, DuPont, Houston, TX) was prepared by diluting 9 gal (34 L) of the cleaner in 300 gal (1,136 L) of water. The FF was comprised of a proprietary blend of ammonium phosphate salts while the FC contained a proprietary blend of 5% to 10% potassium hydroxide and 1% to 3% sodium hypochlorite. Application of the FF and FC in each rearing facility was achieved using a CAFS (Rowe CAFS, Hope, AR). The system was comprised of a 40-horsepower gasoline engine, a 150 gal (568 L) per min water pump, a 70 CFM rotary screw compressor, and could produce 495 gal (1,874 L) of foam per min.

Environmental Sample Collection

Surface swabs were used to sample regions of the floor pen and caged facilities for recovery of aerobic bacteria. Paired samples were collected pre- and post-treatment of either facility with the FF and FC. In the floor pen rearing facility, surface swabs were taken from the walls (n = 8), rails (n = 8), and posts (n = 4). In the caged rearing facility, swabs were taken from the cages (n = 16) and manure belts (n = 4). Sterile 2 × 2 in (5 × 5 cm) swabs were presoaked with 10 mL of buffered peptone water (BPW) in sterile 4 oz (118-mL) Whirl-Pak bags (Nasco, Fort Atkinson, WI). A 2 × 2 in (5 × 5 cm) stainless steel template was used to collect a uniform sample area. The templates were sprayed with 95% ethanol and flame sterilized. Excess BPW was squeezed from each swab prior to sample collection using a newly gloved hand. Four horizontal and 4 vertical movements were made across the template before returning to respective sample bags. Samples were stored on ice and transported to the lab for processing. All samples were homogenized in a stomacher blender (Seward, Port Saint Lucie, FL) for 30 s at normal speed. The blended samples were serially diluted in phosphate buffered saline and plated on tryptic soy agar (Beckton-Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, NJ). Plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 h prior to bacterial enumeration. Total counts were reported as log10 CFU/mL.

Adenosine Triphosphate Bioluminescence

ATP swabs were used to quantify the level of cellular ATP in the floor and caged rearing facilities. Samples were collected concurrently and adjacent to the environmental surface swabs using the same sterile 2 × 2 in (5 × 5 cm) stainless steel templates. UltraSnap ATP swabs (Hygiena, Camarillo, CA) were used to make 4 horizontal and 4 vertical movements across the 2 × 2 in (5 × 5 cm) sample area. The end of the swab was snapped to release the luciferase reagent prior to vertical insertion into a SystemSURE II Luminometer, 18395 (Hygiena, Camarillo, CA). A threshold value of 30 RLU was set as the limit of detection, per manufacturer’s instructions. Samples were processed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and ATP measurements were recorded as relative light units (RLU).

Statistical Analysis

Aerobic bacteria colony counts were converted to log10 CFU/mL for statistical analysis. Adenosine triphosphate swab readouts were reported as the mean RLU value per sample. Reductions in total aerobes and cellular ATP were subjected to a Paired Samples t-Test using JMP Pro 15 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Differences across treatments were analyzed using a 1-way ANOVA using the least squares model. Means were deemed significantly different at P ≤ 0.05.


Compressed air foam systems (CAFS) generate high velocity foams that may serve as a carrier for cleaning agents to clean and sanitize quail rearing facilities following an outbreak. Trial 1 evaluated the ability of a CAFS applied FF and FC to reduce total aerobes and microbial ATP levels in floor pen quail rearing facilities (Figure 1A and B). Both the chlorine-based foaming cleaner and the commercial firefighting foam significantly reduced aerobic bacteria after treatment (P < 0.05). Reductions were 1.74 and 0.85 log10 CFU/mL with the FC and FF treatments, respectively. Significant reductions in microbial ATP were also reported with each treatment in the floor pen facility (P < 0.05). Treatment with FC and FF reduced RLU by 2,871 and 4,201 units, respectively.
Figure 1

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Figure 1. Reduction of aerobic bacteria and microbial ATP following treatment of floor pen facilities. Significant reductions in aerobic bacteria (A) and ATP levels (B) were reported after treatment of a floor pen facility with a commercial firefighting foam and a foam-based cleaner. Mean log10 CFU/mL (n = 20) and RLU (n = 20) values with varying superscripts differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05).

Trial 2 evaluated the ability of the CAFS applied FF and FC to reduce total aerobes and microbial ATP in caged rearing facilities (Figure 2A and B). Both the chlorine-based foaming cleaner and the commercial firefighting foam significantly reduced aerobic bacteria after treatment (P < 0.05). Reductions were 1.04 and 0.87 log10 CFU/mL with FC and FF treatments, respectively. Significant reductions in microbial ATP were also reported with each treatment in the caged facility (P < 0.05). Treatment with FC and FF reduced RLU by 2,763 and 3,084 units, respectively.
Figure 2

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  2. Download: Download full-size image

Figure 2. Reduction of aerobic bacteria and microbial ATP following treatment of caged facilities. Significant reductions in aerobic bacteria (A) and ATP levels (B) were reported after treatment of a caged facility with a commercial firefighting foam and a foam-based cleaner. Mean log10 CFU/mL (n = 20) and RLU (n = 20) values with varying superscripts differ significantly (P ≤ 0.05).

The use of CAFS to apply foam-based cleaners in poultry rearing facilities presents several advantages to traditional water-based cleaners. Foams reduce the high-surface tension associated with water-based cleaners resulting in uniform application of cleaning agents and improved contact time (Chlibek et al., 2006; White et al., 2018). Pressurized foam applications may also assist with the physical removal of microbes through the breakdown of organic material. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of CAFS applied FF and FC in floor pen and caged quail rearing facilities with a history of salmonellosis. All treatments resulted in a significant reduction in total aerobes (P < 0.05), however, the greatest reductions were consistently observed with the FC treatment of either rearing system (P < 0.05). Although neither product was labeled as a disinfectant, the chlorine-based cleaner contained sodium hypochlorite which was expected to exhibit antimicrobial activity through protein oxidation (Valera et al., 2009; Karsten, 2021). Hinojosa and colleagues reported a significant reduction in aerobic bacteria following treatment of broiler transport coops with a similar CAFS applied chlorine-based foaming cleaner (Hinojosa et al., 2018). Treatment of the floor pen and caged facilities with the FC resulted in significant reductions of 1.74 and 1.04 log10 CFU/mL, respectively. Caged facilities may harbor increased organic material in crevices and on manure belts providing the appropriate environment for microbial growth (White et al., 2018). A multistep process that incorporates removal of organic matter prior to cleaning could be advantageous as excess material can reduce the efficacy of cleaning agents (Stringfellow et al., 2009; Karsten, 2021). These findings were supported by a previous study where the inclusion of a high-pressure water rinse improved the reduction of aerobic bacteria on broiler transport coops (Hinojosa et al., 2018).
The ability of a CAFS applied FF and FC to reduce microbial ATP in floor pen and caged facilities was also analyzed. Microbial ATP levels were reported as relative light units (RLU). All treatments resulted in a significant reduction in ATP bioluminescence (P < 0.05), however, above the target level of 30 RLU. The greatest reduction of 4,201 RLU was reported following FF treatment of the floor pen facility. It is important to note that the FF treated floor pens and caged facilities exhibited higher pretreatment microbial ATP levels allowing for greater total reductions. Additionally, microbial ATP levels account for a microbial population that encompasses more than aerobic bacteria. Whether the overall reduction can be attributed to the physical or chemical elimination of microbes is unclear. The commercial firefighting foam was not labeled as a disinfectant; however, the product did contain a low concentration of d-Limonene which was expected to exhibit broad-spectrum, antibacterial activity. (Han et al., 2019).
The exclusion of a nontreatment control group prevented the comparison of natural shifts or reductions in the microbial population and reductions attributed to foam treatment. Additional studies that include this control group would more accurately convey the efficacy of the CAFS applied foaming agents. Nevertheless, both the commercial firefighter foam and the foaming cleaner significantly reduced aerobic bacteria and microbial ATP levels in floor pen and caged quail facilities, relative to the pretreatment negative controls.
Overall, this study demonstrated the efficacy of CAFS applied FF and FC in previously contaminated quail rearing facilities. Both treatments significantly reduced total aerobes and microbial ATP levels in floor pen and caged housing. These data suggest that a compressed air foam system can serve as an effective application method for foaming agents to clean poultry rearing facilities prior to disinfection.

Pakistan Lifts GMO Soybean Import Ban Amid Poultry Industry Challenges

In a move that has sparked both relief and controversy, the Pakistani government has reversed its ban on GMO (genetically modified organism) soybean imports. This decision, expected to bolster the poultry sector, has faced strong resistance from environmental groups concerned about ecological and health impacts.

Regulatory Approval and Debate

The National Biosafety Centre (NBC), Pakistan’s regulatory authority overseeing GMO safety, recently granted import licenses to 39 companies for GMO soybeans. This decision followed prolonged debates among government officials, business organizations, and farmers regarding the safety and necessity of GMOs in the country’s food supply chain.

While business advocates see this as a step toward stabilizing Pakistan’s protein supply, particularly through poultry, environmentalists argue the move lacked proper risk assessments mandated by Pakistan’s Biosafety Rules and the Cartagena Protocol. Critics warn of potential threats to biodiversity and local agriculture.

Poultry Sector Relief

The Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) welcomed the decision, emphasizing its importance in sustaining the poultry industry, a key source of affordable protein in the country. PPA representatives pointed out that the ban had created severe disruptions in chicken feed availability, forcing many broiler farmers to halt production.

“This ban led to panic among broiler farmers, causing a significant drop in production as chick placements declined,” noted Muhammad Salman Sabir, a local market analyst.

According to the PPA, nearly 60% of poultry breeders were negatively impacted by the feed shortage, with some businesses facing bankruptcy. However, independent researchers suggest these claims might be exaggerated. A study by IndexBox reported a 5.8% decline in Pakistan’s poultry market in 2023, marking the first contraction since 2015.

Environmental and Economic Concerns

Environmental advocates and several government agencies, including the Ecology Ministry, strongly opposed the ban’s removal. They criticized the government for prioritizing short-term economic relief over long-term environmental and agricultural stability.

A joint statement from environmentalists highlighted the absence of locally conducted risk assessments, arguing that the decision puts biodiversity and public health at risk.

A Crisis in the Food Industry

The broader food industry in Pakistan is grappling with a crisis exacerbated by rising poultry prices. Dr. Vaqar Ahmed of the Sustainable Development Policy Institute estimates that nearly 42% of Pakistanis are malnourished, with protein costs surging. Poultry prices have risen dramatically, from Rs175 (US$2) per kg in early 2022 to as high as Rs500 (US$5.90) per kg at peak levels.

The GMO soybean import ban, implemented in October 2022 after revelations of unregulated imports, is cited as a major factor behind the crisis. Critics argue that the ban’s sudden imposition created chaos in the poultry sector, disrupting the supply of chicken feed and driving up production costs.

Balancing Risks and Benefits

As the ban is lifted, Pakistan faces the challenge of balancing the immediate need to stabilize its food supply against the long-term risks to health and the environment. While the poultry industry looks forward to regaining stability, environmentalists and independent researchers remain skeptical about the broader implications of GMO reliance.

This pivotal decision underscores the complexity of managing food security in a developing nation, where economic pressures and environmental concerns often collide.

Canada: antimicrobial plants studied for bacteria control in poultry

Researchers in Canada are exploring innovative solutions to address significant challenges due to bacterial infections, focusing on the use of antimicrobial plants to control bacteria in poultry.

The problem with antibiotics

Traditionally, antibiotics have been used extensively in poultry farming to prevent and treat bacterial infections. However, the overuse of antibiotics has led to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, posing a serious threat to both animal and human health. This has prompted scientists to search for alternative methods to control bacterial infections in poultry.

Promising antimicrobial plants

In Canada, researchers are investigating the potential of native plant extracts for their antimicrobial properties. Two plants, in particular, have shown promise: Rumex and Potentilla. These plants are being studied for their effectiveness in controlling bacteria such as Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC), which is a common cause of infections in poultry.

Research and findings

Dr. Sophie Kernéis-Golsteyn, a microbiologist at Lethbridge Polytechnic in Alberta, is leading a 2.5-year project funded by Egg Farmers of Canada. Her team has been testing native plants for antibiotic properties since 2016, building a collection of 150 samples. The extracts from Rumex and Potentilla have shown significant potential in protecting chickens against bacterial infections.

Mechanisms of action

The antimicrobial properties of these plants are attributed to their ability to stimulate beneficial microbiota and the secretion of digestive enzymes. Additionally, these plant extracts help alleviate inflammation, support the immune system, and improve overall production results in poultry.

Benefits and future prospects

The use of antimicrobial plants in poultry farming offers several benefits. Firstly, it reduces the reliance on antibiotics, thereby mitigating the risk of antibiotic resistance. Secondly, it promotes the health and well-being of the poultry by enhancing their immune response and digestive health. Lastly, it aligns with consumer demand for more natural and sustainable farming practices.

Challenges and considerations

While the potential benefits are significant, there are also challenges to consider. The effectiveness of plant extracts can vary based on factors such as the method of extraction, dosage, and the specific strains of bacteria present. Additionally, further research is needed to fully understand the long-term impacts of using these plants in poultry farming.


The exploration of antimicrobial plants for bacteria control in poultry is a promising field of research in Canada. By harnessing the natural properties of plants like Rumex and Potentilla, researchers aim to develop effective and sustainable alternatives to antibiotics. This approach not only addresses the issue of antibiotic resistance but also contributes to the overall health and productivity of poultry farming.


New Zealand suspends poultry exports after first case of H7 bird flu

New Zealand said on Monday that it had suspended all poultry exports after detecting a highly pathogenic variant of avian influenza at a poultry farm on the South Island.
Tests confirmed the H7N6 subtype of bird flu at a rural chicken farm in the Otago region, Biosecurity New Zealand said in a statement. It is different to the H5N1 strain that has spread globally and raised fears of human transmission.
“Until we’ve cleaned up the situation on this farm, and assuming no other issues pop anywhere else, then we will be able to export again,” Biosecurity and Food Safety Minister Andrew Hoggard told Radio New Zealand after the announcement.
“The incubation period is a maximum of 21 days, so we’ll know at that point what the situation is.”
Biosecurity New Zealand said there were no reports of other sick or dead birds on other poultry farms, and no human health or food safety concerns. It added it was safe to consume thoroughly cooked egg and poultry products.
“We are taking the find seriously … our testing shows it is unrelated to a H7 strain that was identified in Australia earlier this year,” Biosecurity New Zealand deputy director-general Stuart Anderson said in a statement.
Source: Reuters

AI outbreak in the Netherlands leads to culling of 23,000 birds

In November 2024, the Netherlands faced a significant challenge as an outbreak of avian influenza was detected at an organic poultry farm in Putten. This outbreak led to the culling of approximately 23,000 chickens to prevent the spread of the highly contagious virus.

The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) took swift action upon detecting the virus. The culling was part of a broader strategy to contain the outbreak and minimize the risk of transmission to other farms and wild bird populations. Femke Wiersma, the Dutch Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Safety, and Nature, confirmed that all necessary measures were being implemented in collaboration with the affected farmer.

Strict quarantine measures

In addition to the culling, the NVWA imposed strict quarantine measures in the surrounding areas. A 10-day surveillance period was established for 13 poultry farms within a 3-kilometer radius of the affected site. This included a ban on the transport of birds, eggs, and poultry products, as well as the removal of waste within a 10-kilometer zone. These measures aimed to prevent further infections by reducing contact between domestic and wild birds.

Farmers were also required to confine their flocks indoors, a precautionary step to limit exposure to potentially infected wild birds. This measure applied to both commercial and non-commercial poultry, reflecting the seriousness of the outbreak.

Broader European context

The outbreak in the Netherlands is part of a larger trend of increasing avian influenza cases across Europe. Since the beginning of the new season, there has been a notable rise in incidents, prompting heightened vigilance among European health authorities. Previous outbreaks have had devastating effects, with millions of birds culled to control the spread of the virus.

The H5N1 strain, known for its high pathogenicity, has been the predominant variant in recent cases. This strain poses a significant threat to both domestic and wild bird populations, necessitating stringent biosecurity measures.

Impact on the poultry industry

The economic impact of such outbreaks is substantial. The culling of birds, combined with transport bans and other restrictions, disrupts the poultry supply chain. Farmers face significant financial losses, and there are broader implications for food security and trade.

The Dutch government has not specified how long the current measures will remain in place, but the priority is to prevent further spread and protect both animal and public health. Continuous monitoring and rapid response are crucial in managing such outbreaks effectively.


The recent avian influenza outbreak in the Netherlands underscores the ongoing challenges posed by this virus. While the immediate response has been robust, the situation highlights the need for sustained vigilance and preparedness to protect the poultry industry and prevent future outbreaks.


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