Case Farms WinesburgFacilityReaches OneMillion Man Hours without a Lost-Time Acciden


Case Farms, a local poultry farming and processing group, achieved a significant safety milestone on Saturday, April 4 after their Winesburg processing facility reached one million hours without experiencing an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable lost-time accident (LTA).

“This milestone is a testament to our employee’s commitment to working safely,” said Ron Millsaps, Safety Director, Case Farms. “Winesburg’s safety culture is constantlyimproving and we are grateful to our people for being the driving force.

”This a continuation of a series of safety milestones for Case Farms. The nearby Strasburg Hatchery has worked over two years without a LTA, while Case Farms’ Morganton, NC facilityreached one million man hours without a LTA last month. Case Farms of Goldsboro, NC also reached a safety milestone of two million man hours without a LTA earlier this year.

“Case Farms has proved time and time again that it doesn’t just values workplace safety but actually achieves it,” said Millsaps. “These four significant milestones continue to advance Case Farms’ goal to be a leader in safety in all of its facilities.”

In addition to efforts made by employees, Case Farms implements a company-wide worker safety program comprised of core elements that are essential to achieving and maintaining a strong safety and health program.