Biosecurity is a general term that describes the range of measures available that aim to prevent the introduction and/or spread of harmful organisms such as bacteria or viruses to animal populations. Under the umbrella of biosecurity are three distinct...
As the summer solstice passes and the days begin to grow shorter, now is the time to begin planning for the fall autumnal waterfowl migration from their summering grounds up north to their wintering grounds in the south. August...
By Tim Nelson, President and CEO Biosecurity has always been important for all poultry operations, but three recent international events underscore that it’s more crucial now than ever. These three events are the soon to be implemented European Union ban...
A new international virtual effort from Cobb-Vantress is the latest initiative to continue providing technical expertise and insights amid the ongoing global pandemic. Customers rely on timely and relevant advice from the wide-ranging experts at Cobb, such as the...
Situation update Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus has been detected in a flock of commercial turkeys in South Carolina. This is a reminder that wild birds can carry both HPAI and low pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (LPAI) viruses that...
Quick facts The biosecure entry education trailer, or BEET, is a teaching tool to demonstrate the Danish entry system for on-farm biosecurity. The BEET trailer is mobile and available for training purposes on-site, statewide. You can learn how to make your...
Quick facts It is a best practice to have, maintain and use a site-specific, operational biosecurity plan, no matter the annual production size. A site-specific biosecurity plan allows you to best fit individual farm needs. Work on one biosecurity...
Proper Brooder Management is doing everything possible to promote a comfort zone in the broiler pen which will maximize feed and water intake during the first week of life. Low first week mortality is only possible if we start...
Farm Biosecurity: Management practices to minimize or prevent the transmission of disease within and between herds and flocks. Biosecurity management practices may include testing and screening for infectious agents, isolation/quarantine of infected animals, immunization, selective purchasing, animal monitoring, and herd...
Biosecurity Entry Education Trailer (BEET) BEET serves to educate and train people on how they can enhance poultry barn biosecurity. Using the trailer, people can assess and practice their biosecurity plans for entry into poultry barns. Biosecurity for pigeon lofts Biosecurity...
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