IRIS Fillet Inspection secures food quality Today, good food quality is on every consumer’s mind. Everybody wants to know exactly what’s on their plate and that it is of high quality. As the global leader in food processing solutions, Marel...
Source: Pas Reform Uninterrupted electrical energy is critical to optimising incubation and other hatchery processes. Protecting supply Should power from the grid be interrupted or fail, a back-up generator with Automatic Voltage Regulator and auto switch-over will protect normal hatchery operations. Generators typically...
Analysis of the economic contribution of a single 25,000-square-foot (50-by-500-foot) broiler house. A new 25,000-square-foot (50-by-500-foot) broiler house in Mississippi results in an increase in economic activity in the state, in terms of both the construction of the house and...
Barn fires are horrific events, threatening both human and hen life and causing significant financial damage. Though the incidence of layer barn fires does not appear to be higher than those in other animal agriculture operations, they account for 94%...
Big Dutchman, the long-established equipment supplier from Calveslage in Germany, becomes a significant minority shareholder in the Dutch Ammerlaan group from Venlo in the Netherlands. A renowned full-service provider for innovative greenhouse projects, Ammerlaan is a family-owned business managed...
The poultry industry continues to see lighting problems related to a variety of issues, including farm wiring, screw shells, lamp style, light dimmer incompatibility, and LED lamp quality. However, the problem is not as complicated as we are making...
What do Service Factor, Full Load Amps, and Service Factor Amps tell us about a motor. Livestock and poultry operations subject electric motors to very hostile work environments. Those environments alternate between dusty and humid, along with fluctuations in voltage...
As the weather cools heading into winter, gas prices often rise. It is important to balance heating your barn and maintaining adequate air flow and air quality using minimum ventilation.Ventilation is crucial to providing the ideal environmental conditions for...
Proper poultry house ventilation is important year-round, but especially during winter months to protect bird health and promote energy efficiency. “Ventilation is not always top of mind for many producers heading into winter,” says Austin Zimmerman, AGCO protein sales engineer...
Processors in Alabama and the Florida Panhandle get local access to BinMaster solutions. Dwight W. Prouty Company has been serving a diverse base of industrial manufacturers and power plants since 1969. The company will now offer the full line of...
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