Good ventilation is indispensable in a poultry house (read more about this in our other blog: The relevance of a comfortable climate in poultry houses. With the help of mechanical ventilation and air inlets/outlets, it is possible to keep...
New Standard Group recently had the opportunity to install a new barn automation system for Millbrook Farms. FUSION Building Automation System by ControlTech is the latest in barn automation technology. Easy to program and monitor this system has been...
Vendor Managed Inventory – aka VMI – connects you and your vendors to your silo inventory. Learn how using sensors, wireless gateways, and software can prevent material outages, reduce carrying costs, and simplify ordering using BinView® from BinMaster. Watch how...
The new Click Watering system, offering excellent food conversion results by providing the right amount of water with minimal effort, is now available from Cumberland.   Brian Rieck, Cumberland product manager, said Click drinkers are constructed to be reliable, long-lasting and...
Ventilation is a key management area to ensure happy healthy flocks that deliver great performance. Regardless of the weather outside, the goal is to maintain good exchange of air and consistent temperatures throughout the inside of the barn. To...
All about accuracy Moba egg graders are packed with technology. Some designs are worth further investigation as they represent crucial customer value. In this series of articles, we zoom in on these "hidden gems". Summary Eggs need to be transported point-down in...
The stable climate has a major impact on the health of the poultry and thus, on the operating result. In this article you can read about the relevance of and factors for a comfortable house climate. Optimal growth For optimal growth,...
Marel’s remote teamwork connects on-site engineers and experts on either side of the world More than ever, poultry processors around the world have to guarantee their production or even increase it to keep the entire food supply system operating. In...
High-tech support for decision-making in manufacturing and maintenance The highly acclaimed Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands has set up a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) lab, together with four industrial partners including Marel. This lab aims at improving...
Good ventilation in poultry barns takes care of an optimal temperature and air quality at animal level. The distribution of air and the air pattern (How the air enters the barn, spreads out and mixes) are very...

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