Activity of broilers is related to their gait, but activity recordings alone cannot fully distinguish between birds with a good or a suboptimal gait. That is the main conclusion of a study by Wageningen Livestock Research. Activity tracking and gait...
Source: Biomin The negative impacts of mycotoxins in poultry can be far-reaching, decreasing gastrointestinal integrity, immunity and performance in broilers and resulting in economic losses. Given the high rates of mycotoxin in poultry feed, a mycotoxin risk management strategy is...
Feeding pelleted diets improves broiler production efficiency through increased feed intake and live weight gain as well as improved feed conversion ratio. Pelleting technology became available in the 1930's and is now used in the manufacturing of nearly all commercial...
How litter is managed before, during, and after each flock is a key factor for improved broiler performance, health, and welfare. Successful growers understand that good litter management during and between flocks is critical, particularly in today’s “No Antibiotics...
The gastrointestinal (GI) tract of the commercial broiler chicken is constantly exposed to a wide variety of potentially harmful factors. These factors can have serious effects on the GI tract condition and negatively affect health and performance of birds...
Institution: University of California, Davis Principal Investigator: Michael J. Mienaltowski, DVM, PhD Annie J. King, PhD University of California, Davis 2251 Meyer Hall One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616 Broiler chickens have been genetically selected to grow quickly and efficiently. Although efficient growth is desirable for...
Broiler operations naturally want to provide the best disease protection for the least cost, but deciding which vaccines to use and when can be a daunting task. First, there are so many variables to consider — not just disease pressure...
Abstract Commercially housed broilers frequently experience limited environmental stimulation and various health issues, compromising their welfare. Providing environmental enrichment can alleviate these problems by facilitating natural behaviour and activity. We investigated the effect of providing live black soldier fly larvae...
Across the globe, poultry carcass defects and condemnation — bruises, blood splash, breast blisters and red wing tips — are costing the broiler industry billions of dollars in economic losses, and the problem is growing annually. There are many...
This is part 2 of a 4-part series exploring how epithelial integrity is the first line of defense to target immunomodulation, BCO and food safety issues. Catch up on Part 1 here. The immune system is a complex network, comprised...
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