During the course of our day’s we come across many “universal truths. Two that stand out to me are, “don’t ask of others what you wouldn’t ask of yourself”, and “treat others as you’d like others to treat you.”...
Source: Q: Why is live priming of breeder pullets for infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and reovirus important? KC: By initiating an immune response with live vaccines, pullets respond better and more uniformly to the killed IBDV and reovirus vaccines...
Source: Poultry producers raising broilers for the “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) market continue to find themselves battling necrotic enteritis (NE). Too often, this raises the ethical dilemma of deciding whether to render antibiotic treatment to birds with NE if...
Broiler breeders are expected to produce about 150 chicks in 40 weeks of production and even though it is commonly believed that selection for more meat in the broiler leads to fewer chicks from the parent stock, breeding companies...
Source: Janzen Ag Law Most people today are more removed than ever from their food sources. At the same time, consumers are more concerned than ever about where their food comes from. Sustainability is the ruling concept. What can producers...
I was fortunate to be asked to testify before the US Senate Agricultural Committee recently about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on agriculture. Although AI and its simpler cousin machine learning (ML) have operated behind the scenes for...
Salmonellosis is a major public health concern worldwide, resulting in significant economic losses. In recent years, Salmonella enterica serotype Reading emerged as a major foodborne pathogen following a multistate outbreak in the United States through the consumption of contaminated turkey products....
Source: How do you look for new serotypes of a virus that might be circulating in an area? Sentinel birds are a good place to start, according to Abigail Reith, DVM, a technical services veterinarian for Zoetis. In a recent...
Whether you produce broilers, breeders or layers, feather development and quality are metrics that should be top of mind. Poor feather quality can have negative welfare and economic impacts on the poultry industry. For broiler breeders, poor feather quality will...
Source: A few essential adjustments in the way infectious bronchitis vaccines are handled and administered at the hatchery can improve vaccine efficacy, Brian Jordan, PhD, assistant professor, University of Georgia, told Poultry Health Today. “Frozen vaccines that come out of...
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