Q: In late 2018, Zoetis reintroduced a feed medication for turkeys and broilers called RofenAid® 40. That product dates back to 1970. What prompted Zoetis to bring it back? DR: Simply put, we saw a need for it — particularly...
Q: USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) will be publishing new performance standards for allowable limits of Campylobacter in chicken parts and whole carcasses. What can poultry processors do to further reduce the prevalence of this bacterial foodborne...
As spring rolls on and the pressures of COVID-19 unfold, Ontario farmers are bracing for the full impact of this pandemic. Many sectors within the agri-food value chain are already dealing with significant ramifications of the virus – from...
Tackling endemic poultry diseases as a community rather than as individual producers can play an important role in controlling and limiting their spread. Robert O’Connor, DVM, senior vice president of technical services for Foster Farms in California, said his experience...
Broiler producers need to take a fresh look at housing conditions and bird management to help counter the resurgence of Mycoplasma synoviae (MS) linked to an increase in raised without antibiotics (RWA) production. Gregorio Rosales, DVM, PhD, an independent poultry...
Pododermatitis (PD) or footpad dermatitis (FPD) is a type of contact dermatitis observed in broiler flocks. Ranging in significance from superficial to deep, the rash appears on the plantar surface of the footpads and toes. Deep ulcers can lead...
We are all watching the COVID-19 pandemic as it unfolds. Each day, it seems this virus leaves us with more questions than answers. Although we can’t solve most of these issues, there are a few things we know and...
Download the pdf Q: There’s more talk in the poultry industry about water acidification during growout and its potential benefits. What’s driving this trend? CT: The move toward reduced-use and no-antibiotics-ever production systems has prompted the industry to explore other tools...
Developing good relationships across the processing chain can be critical in helping to identify and overcome issues on farm and in the processing plant. Claude Hebron, DVM at Prestage Farms in North Carolina, said regular and open communication between veterinarians,...
Excellent systems of communication between farm staff and veterinarians are critical when it comes to managing disease outbreaks and reducing their potential spread. Eric Heskett, DVM, PhD, at Case Farms in North Carolina, told Poultry Health Today that communication is...
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