New York is not known for poultry production compared to states in the Midwest, but one Cortland County farm is upping its production to fill a niche at local markets. Through a $22,000 grant from the county and a new...
Revathi Shanmugasundaram is a research biologist at the Toxicology & Mycotoxin Research Unit in Athens, GA. Her research on mycotoxins in poultry feed was one of three winning entries in ARSX2023, an annual competition that seeks to accelerate agricultural...
When pests are not properly controlled, poultry diseases and pathogens, including Salmonella, can rapidly spread through a poultry house. Yet as producers and applicators target pests with insecticides, they can often see a resistance build – reducing the effectiveness...
It is my distinct pleasure to be addressing you today on the occasion of the Caribbean Poultry Association’s 7th International Technical Symposium and Exhibition on the topic of Strengthening Sustainable Agriculture in the Poultry Industry of the Caribbean. The...
How old can eggs get— if they aren’t deliberately preserved — is a question facing archeologist investigating a 1,700 year old egg discovered in England. The shell is still intact and CT scans show the egg contains liquid, possibly...

Poultry Red Mites

Poultry red mites are a type of external parasite that infests chickens. They conceal themselves within the chicken coop surroundings and reproduce quickly. These mites survive by feeding on the blood of chickens and can even cause their death....
While trying to avoid typing practice during a sixth-grade computer lab, I typed my name into Google to discover if there were any other Oliver Eggers out there and, if so, what they were up to. To my 11-year-old horror,...
Thirty years ago this summer I went to work as administrator of USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) after the landmark Jack in the Box outbreak, caused by hamburger contaminated with a dangerous form of E. coli.  Four...
Poultry farming remains one of South Africa’s largest agricultural sectors despite multiple challenges, including load shedding, water shortages, and avian influenza. These complexities have led the poultry industry to seek alternative solutions, like solar power to combat the energy...
With the continued transition from conventional, caged layer farms towards alternative egg production systems, veterinarians, researchers, and farmers have been heavily scrutinizing the behavioral needs of chickens in their new group-housed environments. Historically, poultry farms optimized the ability of laying...
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