In order to optimize egg production, focusing on weight profiles is one area of importance that is often overlooked. Body weight sampling and managing the correct standard at each stage of growth will help your breeders produce a high...
se of a simple “causal” pie chart is proving to be a helpful tool for controlling necrotic enteritis (NE), Joel L. Cline, DVM, a veterinarian with Wayne Farms, told Poultry Health Today. Cline uses the causal pie as a visual...
Source: Q: Why is live priming of breeder pullets for infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and reovirus important? KC: By initiating an immune response with live vaccines, pullets respond better and more uniformly to the killed IBDV and reovirus vaccines...
Source: An interview with Manuel Da Costa, DVM, PhD, Associate Director, Outcomes Research, Zoetis Q: Zoetis has been conducting studies about the impact of gut health on the prevalence of Salmonella in broilers. What’s the connection between the two? Download...
A recent survey of Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA) members showed that 91% of respondents are having conversations about the future of their family farms. But none of them have a written transition plan to safeguard their farm and...
Share The following is an edited transcript of Tom Martin's interview with Dr. Kyle McKinney. Click below to hear the full interview.  Tom:              The food industry has a four-quadrillion-dollar problem. You heard that right. This number represents the losses due to...
Source: More young people need to be encouraged to take up careers in poultry science if the sector is to properly tackle disease challenges which have plagued it for decades, according to a leading academic. Oscar Fletcher, DVM, PhD, professor...
Source: By Tom Tabler, PhD Extension Professor Mississippi State University Extension Service, Poultry Science Department Mississippi State, Mississippi “No antibiotics ever” (NAE) production now accounts for nearly 50% of broiler production in the US. Although I personally have grave concerns about the sustainability...
A new label under development for meat and poultry products will represent production that seeks a balanced approach to poultry production and marketing — one that ensures good health and welfare for the chickens while demonstrating responsible antibiotic usage...
Food safety challenges linked to Salmonella could be tackled more effectively by better understanding the sex life of bacteria, according to a leading US government veterinarian. Researchers have known for some time that Salmonella and other bacteria have a sexual...
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