As we discuss the future of poultry production, animal welfare always comes up as a hot topic – but what do we really know about it? Is it possible to understand what and how a chicken feels? Measuring emotion...
It is possible to work in a variety of areas related to poultry production, but the goal is always the same - achieve the best possible outcome for the animals, producers, and consumers. Our role as technical support for...
Poultry production includes more than just one species. Each one of them has its own characteristics, so production for each species is conducted differently. There are many differences between turkeys and chickens when it comes to nutrition, general management,...
Sustainability is all about keeping humans and nature in harmony. Subsequently, there has been a broad discussion regarding sustainable production, net zero emissions, and the use of antibiotics and water in animal production. So, we need to consider the...
More than 1 million cases of US foodborne illnesses are caused by Salmonella each year, and even though the poultry sector has made great strides in reducing the occurrence of the pathogen, almost 25% of those illnesses are linked...
The latest outbreaks of avian influenza have raised concerns for the poultry industry. We already know a lot about influenza, so what are we missing? Are we prepared to deal with an endemic outbreak in the United States? What...
Poultry production faces disease challenges every day, Avian influenza being one of the most critical. That’s why we must better understand how the diagnostic process works so we can help our veterinarians reach a timely diagnosis and evaluate our...
In this week's episode, we spotlight the wonderful Rhode Island White. We're joined by Fiona for our monthly roundtable where we review chicken coops from 2 companies - the Roost and Root Urban Coop and the Nestera recycled plastic...
A technology called CRISPR-SeroSeq, which amplifies a section of the Salmonella genome, is helping paint a clearer picture of the serotypes circulating in breeder flocks. The knowledge gained may help poultry producers design more targeted control measures.
“CRISPR” (pronounced “crisper”)...
Episode 1223: Today, Poultry Nutritionist Dr. Curran Gehring, Ph.D., will discuss how feed can effect egg laying. Backyard Poultry with the Chicken Whisperer®, brought to you by Tucker Milling, LLC is a nationally broadcast web radio show all about...