Proper Brooder Management is doing everything possible to promote a comfort zone in the broiler pen which will maximize feed and water intake during the first week of life. Low first week mortality is only possible if we start...
With warm weather around the corner, it is time to make sure your tunnel system is running properly. It is easy to forget about the little things and overlook the essential preparations that are needed for optimum tunnel ventilation...
Has chicken flown the coop? The nation's chicken wars and cravings for comfort food during the pandemic have made poultry so scarce and expensive that some restaurants are limiting or running out of chicken sandwiches, wings and tenders. Others are...
Tip 37 Almost every Hatchery manager assesses his results by collecting performance data such as hatchability, hatch of fertile, water loss, hatch debris, mortality patterns, percentage of culls and first week mortality.
Poultry litter (or poultry manure) is an excellent source of nutrients that can be incorporated into many cropping systems in North Carolina. Producers using poultry litter must practice sound soil fertility management to prevent nutrient imbalances as well as...
Download the complete article Egg production in a chicken flock fol-lows a typical curve. While the curve is similar for most breeds of chickens (Figure 1), the specific numbers can vary significantly, especially with regards to age at first egg,...
Managing commercial broiler flocks is a challenge at any time of year but especially so during the winter months. When outside temperatures drop and gas prices rise, maintaining the desired inside house air temperature and ventilating to meet air...
So why do you need to be thinking about cooling those birds this spring? Because when June arrives, those full-grown turkeys will really need a cool breeze to stay in top condition. February and March are the best time to...
Reprinted The US broiler industry is continuing its efforts to reduce antibiotic use, despite the number of birds raised without antibiotics slipping to 52% in 2020, according to latest figures. Greg Rennier, PhD, president of Rennier Associates, a firm that...
Source: Huvepharma Biosecurity measures prevent or limit the introduction, circulation and persistance of contaminants in a production unit, as well as their dissemination to other sites. The management of these measures is based on a strategic and integrated approach aimed...
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