Please enjoy a series of Hatchery Tips provided By Aviagen: Tip 13 Newly hatched chicks can not regulate their body temperature and rely on suitable environmental conditions to keep them comfortable.
Download the complete article  From the early years, Hy-Line International has focused the genetic selection program on achieving the highest egg quality. The goal of this program is simply to ensure the highest percentage of saleable eggs free of external...
Rats and mice have long been a problem on farms where food and nesting sites are plentiful. These animals consume and contaminate food destined for livestock and other animals, as well as humans. Each rat on a farm will...
Optimising hatchery performance requires good data management. Data can be stored in various ways, ranging from simple Excel sheets to sophisticated data management software. It is also not uncommon for a large part of the hatchery’s data to still...
The main goal of broiler breeder management is producing eggs. But the only good broiler breeder egg is a fertilized egg. Fertility, the percentage of eggs laid that are fertilized, is very important in poultry production. If an egg...
Broiler Breeder Management How-to’s provided by Aviagen Tip #15 Biofilms will form inside water pipes and regular treatment to remove them is needed to prevent decreased water flow and microbial contamination of drinking water.
The USDA says poultry production during June 2020 was up 7% from June 2019 at 4.323 billion pounds. The total included 3.815 billion pounds of chicken, also up 7%, and 500.704 million pounds of turkey, 5% above the previous...
Ventilation is a key management area to ensure happy healthy flocks that deliver great performance. Regardless of the weather outside, the goal is to maintain good exchange of air and consistent temperatures throughout the inside of the barn. To...
In nature, the female bird selects the nest site and lays a clutch of eggs (usually 8 to 13 eggs), one egg per day. Once she has a clutch of eggs, she begins sitting on the egg full time, leaving...
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig announced today that the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is continuing the Iowa Disposal Assistance Program (IDAP) to support Iowa farmers. Pork and egg producers forced to euthanize and dispose of...
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