Source: Science Direct SUMMARY The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), preferred depopulation methods (i.e., foam, containerized gassing, and mechanical methods) can be challenging when depopulating cage and aviary commercial laying hen houses for multiple reasons. When preferred methods are not feasible...
Large-scale farms often use antibiotics to prevent diseases, but over time, germs can become resistant. Additionally, poor air quality in barns poses health risks for animals and humans. Researchers at Fraunhofer, in collaboration with PURION GmbH and GMBU, are...
Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) is exploring the viability of a highly coveted red seaweed as a sustainable substitute for soybean meal in U.K. chicken feed. The Novel Seaweed Chicken Feed Feasibility (NSCFF) project, led by Seaweed Generation in collaboration with...
The use of poultry litter can contribute to reducing the cost of fertilizer inputs for many operations, depending on the price and transportation cost of the litter. For many farmers, the use of poultry litter may represent significant savings...
SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the state of breast meat quality in the 2 most used standard-yielding broiler chicken strains on today's market: Cobb 500 and Ross 308. To achieve this, chicks from both...
Christmas Dinners are one of the UK's most cherished traditions, and Christmas menus have evolved greatly over the years. Today, turkey is the typical meat of choice; going back 500 years, it was beef, venison, and wild boar in...
Author: Dr. Lilong Chai, Assistant Professor & Poultry Engineering Specialist Importance of Layer Manure Drying A layer house with 100,000 hens produces 1,500 to 2,000 tons of manure every year. Fresh layer manure contains about 75% moisture that must be...
The development of fast-growing strains of broiler chickens has helped achieve growing consumer demand for nutritious foods, but this has coincided with the appearance of several pectoral muscle myopathies such as wooden breast. Meats affected by wooden breast myopathy are...
In general, composting poultry can be described as an all-natural, environmentally friendly method of mortality management, which minimizes water and air pollution by retaining nutrients, pathogens, and odors. Given the right conditions, microorganisms break down organic material (poultry mortalities,...
USPOULTRY and the USPOULTRY Foundation announce the completion of a funded research project by researchers at North Carolina State University that assessed using an electrostatic precipitator to improve indoor air quality in cage-free layer houses. The research was made...
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