This is an explanation of what is happening each day as a chicken embryo develops, complete with candling pictures. The egg I am using is a silver spangled spitzhauben. Definitions you may need: Vitteline membrane: The membrane that surrounds the yolk...
Feeding pelleted diets improves broiler production efficiency through increased feed intake and live weight gain as well as improved feed conversion ratio. Pelleting technology became available in the 1930's and is now used in the manufacturing of nearly all commercial...
All animals need to receive a nutritious diet in order to maintain good health and production. In the wild, animals consume a wide variety of feed ingredients. Today the nutrient requirements of farm animals and the nutrients provided by...
Raising chickens in the garden comes with a sense of pride and the joy of sustainability. By having chickens in your garden, you can have an all-in-one solution for a natural weed killer, organic fertilizer, natural insecticide and lawn...
Source: Each day, Tyson Loewen rises at 5 am and heads to the four chicken houses on his Guntersville, Alabama, farm. For the next 5 hours he studies his flock of 180,000 birds. He looks for disease symptoms, assesses...
Mary E. Henry, Jessica M. Ryals, Alicia Halbritter, and Derek L. Barber2 Raising backyard chickens is an increasingly popular way to explore self-sufficiency, connect with how our food is produced, and gain experience for future dabbling in food production. Besides...
Water belly in broiler flocks is a leading cause of mortality and whole carcass condemnations Ascites in chickens, commonly referred to as water belly, represents a spectrum of physiological and metabolic changes leading to the excess accumulation of fluid in...
Michigan’s largest egg producer is breaking ground in Pennsylvania. The Saranac-based Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch plans construction this month on Blue Springs Egg Farm, a sustainable cage-free, egg-laying facility, in Montgomery Township, Pennsylvania, according to a press release. The Blue Springs final...
Follow along with Jeff and Kendra, hosts of “The Coop With Meyer Hatchery” podcast,  as they share each month what you need to know for keeping chickens. They discuss things to consider for housing, predators, feeding, and much more. Before...
One of the miracles of nature is the transformation of the egg into the chick. Not every avian eggs hatch in 21 days. See the chart below for incubation periods for other fowl. The duckbill platypus is the only mammal...
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