Checklist for Effective Poultry House Cleanout


An outbreak of egg-related Salmonella enteritidis infections in humans can lead to serious trouble for table egg producers. Flock owners can find themselves with their birds and eggs quarantined and their markets lost. An effective cleanout program for both pullet and layer operations can reduce the likelihood of disease outbreaks within egg laying
flocks. Such sanitation programs are particularly important if disease was present in the previous flock. An aggressive sanitation and disinfection program is particularly warranted following the depopulation of Salmonella enterititis-positive flocks to help stop the spread of SE micro-organinsms to the ensuing flock.

The key components of poultry house cleanout are the sanitation and disinfection of facilities and equipment. Complete removal of manure or litter, dust and other organic material that has accumulated will increase the effectiveness of sanitation and disinfection. Following bird removal, the cleanout process can be divided into 3 separate steps, each step being vital to the effectiveness of the steps that follow.

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