Clima ACU – The Importance of Cold Weather Air Quality


Innovative, customer-focused and flexible.

Heading into the colder months of the year, heat exchangers are invaluable at maintaining an optimal temperature so important for successful flock growth and productivity. Heat exchangers use warm air exhaust from inside the house to pre-heat cooler fresh air coming in from outside, recovering heat without having to use more heating fuel.

Our Clima+ heat exchanger systems allow for full control of the climate in your aviary under all weather conditions, using intelligent software to ensure maximum benefit. Thanks to a counter-flow air stream and low air pressure inside the heat exchanger, this unit is able to achieve a superior thermal efficiency of 80 percent. The temperature in the poultry house is kept steady, decreasing external influences and minimizing the risk of disease.

The Clima+ 1000 is even capable of delivering fresh air directly to the manure belts, accelerating the evaporation of moisture and offering optimized manure drying.


  • Improved house environment for birds and humans
  • Even air distribution
  • Reduced relative humidity
  • Lowered ammonia levels
  • Perfect litter quality resulting in healthy birds, better foot pad quality
  • Improved flock performance
  • Fewer inside fluctuations
  • Even flock distribution
  • Lower dust concentration
  • Significant reduction of fine dust emissions

Energy savings

  • Optimal results through intelligent software
  • Most economical heat exchanger worldwide
  • Thermal efficiency of 80 percent
  • Up to 70 percent reduction in heating costs
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions in the house
  • Manure dry matter content up to 70 percent (Clima+ 1000)

Smart design

  • Integrated automatic cleaning system
  • Easy access for thorough cleaning
  • Stainless steel parts ensure durability
  • Windbreak mesh for pre-filtering fresh air

We believe the health and productivity of poultry depends on the quality of the air in which they live. Our Clima+ systems ensure a productive and healthy environment within your poultry house, throughout all seasons.