Cobb Gives Back, Donating Over 20,000 Pounds of Quality Protein to Help Those in Need


As part of its commitment to  supporting hunger relief and the local community, Cobb is donating over 20,000 pounds of  quality, frozen protein to the Manna Center. The civic organization provides food and clothing  assistance to those in need. The contribution is equivalent to more than 40,000 meals for  people in Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma.

“At Cobb, we believe it is important to treat each other like family,” said Rex Dickey, corporate  chaplain for Cobb. “We understand many people in our region struggle with food insecurity, so  we want our community partners to know they can count on us to help our neighbors.”

Cobb has a history of helping those in need. Last year, Cobb contributed 10,000 pounds of
frozen protein to the Manna Center to help support the region during an especially critical time.  Over the years, Cobb has donated food and hours of volunteer time to support Northwest  Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma residents in need.

“We feel greatly blessed and fortunate to partner with community business leaders like Cobb to  help support the needy in our area. This donation will help many families in our local community  and we are very grateful to be able to provide help for those in need.” said Marla Sappington,  executive director of the Manna Center.

The Cobb contribution stems from an internal program called Miles That Matter. For every mile  that a Cobb team member walks, runs, or bikes, the organization will donate a pound of protein  to support hunger relief.

“Making protein accessible is core to what we do every day,” said Dickey. “We look forward to  continuing to support the Manna Center and our community in the years to come.”

This year’s contribution is so significant that the Manna Center is working with several other  local food pantries to distribute the protein to the most vulnerable in the community. Cobb is  encouraging others in the community to visit and join the effort to address  food insecurity.