COVID-19 tools, resources and updates for egg farmers


For decades, Canadians have relied on our more than 1,100 egg farmers and farm families in all provinces and in the Northwest Territories to produce a steady supply of high-quality eggs. Today that reliability has never been more necessary. The COVID-19 pandemic is challenging all Canadians and people around the world. In these difficult times, Canadians can be assured that egg farmers will continue to deliver on our promise. We are dedicated to maintaining the strength of Canada’s egg supply chain while continuing to adhere to the highest standards of food safety and animal welfare.

On this page, egg farmers and our industry partners will find a list of essential updates, tools and resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic. This information will be updated regularly so check back often to remain up-to-date with the latest material.

Important information about government action related to COVID-19, including the latest updates for industry:

Your provincial, territorial or local municipal governments may also be undertaking specific measures in response to the pandemic. We recommend visiting your provincial, territorial or municipal government’s website regularly for updates on what is happening where you live.

Tools and resources for farmers:

Recent news and updates on the Canadian response to the COVID-19 pandemic: