Dr Emily Pittman joins the Georgia Poultry Laboratory Network


Dr. Pittman is originally from Florida. She got her AvianBiology degree from UGA in 2014. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine inMay 2020.Throughout her college career, she was very active as a leader of her classes and an integral part of several groups and organizations: Poultry Science Ambassador, Poultry Science Club member, Sigma Delta Tau Sorority, UGA Miracle, UGA Relay for Life, PennVet Jewish Network, and the Veterinary Business Management Association. She also helped organize events such as theNPIP Salmonella workshop and the SAVMA Symposium. She worked at GPLN as an employee and intern for several months at different times over the last 10 years, notably assisting in necropsy and producing a game bird NPIP and diseases poster.

“Dr. Pittman lives in Tifton with her husband Dr. James Pittman, a small animal veterinarian. She will be stationed atthe GPLN Tifton Lab, located within the GDA Seed Lab. Shewill support the NPIP and hatchery sampling efforts. Dr.Anderson and Dr. Pittman will split the load of commercialand non-commercial cases and visits in Middle and SouthGeorgia. Together, Dr. Anderson, Dr. Pittman and Ms. Elisa Castaneda will make a wonderful team to serve that entire area of the state!

Emily has always been a joy to work with.She started off as my technician after graduating from UGA, and we quickly became friends, as well as co-workers. She came back and did an externship with us her senior year in vet school. Her interest in poultry diagnostics, as well as the poultryi ndustry, is unmatched. This is exemplified by the fact that she turned down an acceptance to a vet school closer to home and chose to go to The University of Pennsylvania instead, based solely on the fact that she would get a lot more poultry courses at Penn. This, even though it would mean living a very long distance from her husband in Tifton for 4 years. The Georgiapoultry industry and GPLN are veryfortunate to have Emily. She will be a bigplus for the South Georgia companies and forback yard poultry owners.- Dr. James Davis