Royal DSM, a purpose-led global science-based company in Nutrition, Health and Sustainable Living, has announced a mutually beneficial agreement between its DSM Animal Nutrition and Health business group and North Carolina State University (NC State). The research partnership, which will span 10 years, focuses on three key research areas: animal gut health, precision nutrition and data- driven decision making for animal health.
DSM and NC State recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU). The MOU serves as a non- binding roadmap for deepening DSM’s partnership with NC State at large, with the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the College of Veterinary Medicine being the specific partners in the area of animal nutrition and health research.
“This opportunity to partner with DSM is especially timely as we look at the huge challenges that the world faces in terms of food supply and food security in the years to come,” says Paul Lunn, Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine, NC State. “How we produce food and how food affects our health is a focus of DSM and both colleges. This is the perfect opportunity to address it together.”
As part of the agreement, DSM will provide financial resources for renovations to existing animal science buildings and the development of two new buildings at NC State. DSM intends to fund NC State approximately $2.5 million over the first three years, with the potential for more in subsequent years.
“With renowned experts in poultry science, animal science and veterinary medicine, coupled with ambitious scientific resources, North Carolina State University is an ideal partner for DSM,” says Tom Frost, Director of Innovation for Animal Nutrition and Health in North America, DSM. “The collaboration with NC State will also provide fertile ground for new talent development within the industry, leading to continued advancements and scientific discoveries in animal health.”
While past research collaborations between DSM and NC State have focused on trials in poultry and swine health, new research projects will also include animal health and production for farmed fish, cattle, small ruminants such as sheep and goats, as well as companion animals.
“North Carolina is the complete ecosystem for animal health and nutrition innovation,” says Richard Linton, Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, NC State. “Not only do we have a strong agriculture and life sciences community, we are home to one of the world’s largest animal agriculture economies. This MOU not only enhances our partnership with DSM, it will create new opportunities for CALS and CVM to leverage NC State’s totally integrated food animal system, our incredible research, teaching and Extension, to help grow the state’s largest economic driver – agriculture.”
The partnership provides DSM with a home for research projects at NC State, allowing the company to conduct more timely research trials. To foster an impartial atmosphere, DSM will still be required to pay for trials conducted by NC State. “It’s a progressive model for research, allowing for more consistent research in a trial-ready environment,” says Frost.