Empowering Leadership: Balancing Roles, Managing Stress, Building Trust and Financial Planning at the 2024 Women’s Leadership Conference


In a series of impactful presentations, industry experts shared their wisdom on navigating leadership, stress management, team building and financial planning at the 2024 USPOULTRY’s Women’s Leadership Conference. The conference offered attendees a diverse lineup of speakers aimed at advancing career growth and development for women leaders in any industry, not just poultry and egg. The sessions provided a deep dive into essential leadership skills, equipping attendees with the tools necessary for success.

The panel, “Leading While Living: How Do Leaders Do It All?” featured Dr. Chris Fritts, Alicia Helle and Kerry Fohner, who shared insights on navigating leadership roles while managing personal challenges. Dr. Fritts, head of global vaccination technologies and services at Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA, highlighted overcoming early career barriers, including skepticism from colleagues. Helle, senior planning manager at Cooper Farms, who transitioned from graphic design to management, emphasized the importance of confidence and managing imposter syndrome. Fohner, senior director, QA/FS Prepared Foods at Wayne-Sanderson Farms, discussed overcoming initial career hurdles and the need for balance between work and life. The panel also addressed issues such as the value of mentorship, flexibility and communication.

Dr. Tami West, a stress expert and motivational speaker, pointed out the significance of finding joy amidst turmoil and rethinking our perception of stress. West emphasized embracing opportunities, the power of mentoring and staying true to oneself, while challenging the notion that validation comes from suffering. She encouraged individuals to seek balance, recognizing that everyone is at different stages in life and deserves support and self-care regardless of their struggles.

In her presentation on building trust within teams, Lisa Burdick, head of human resources at Pilgrim’s, outlined the essential qualities of high-performing teams, remarking that trust is the most critical element. She stressed the importance of team building for improving retention, performance and showcasing individual skill sets. Underscoring that trust elevates team performance and cohesion, Burdick concluded her presentation with Simon Sinek’s quote, “A team is not a group of people who work together. It is a group of people who trust each other.”

Jennifer Trusty, managing director at BMO Wealth Management, highlighted critical financial considerations for women leaders, emphasizing longevity, income disparity and widowhood, mentioning that on average, women live six years longer than men. She advised building a robust financial foundation by establishing an emergency fund, contributing regularly to retirement accounts and automating savings.

Source: US Poultry & Egg Association