FAAST Reviews


The Farmed Animal Antimicrobial Stewardship (FAAST) initiative has published a review on the Antimicrobial Stewardship in the Ontario poultry Industry. It focuses on addressing questions and concerns related to necrotic enteritis (NE) and aims to provide producers with management strategies to reduce the risk of developing NE and alternative strategies to antimicrobial use in preventing necrotic enteritis.

The review is composed of two short sections; Understanding Necrotic Enteritis and Prevention strategies of Necrotic Enteritis.

The following topics are addressed in the review:

  • Significance of NE to the industry
  • How to identify it in your flock and risk factors associated with it
  • Management strategies reduce stress, maintain a clean environment, and minimize disease entry
  • Antimicrobial alternatives to promote bird health

This review is now available in both English and French. Keep an eye out for a review on coccidiosis on broiler farms soon to be released by FAAST.

FAAST initiative, created by Ontario Veterinary Medical Association in collaboration with the government, academic, and industry partners, aims to provide educational information to animal owners and their veterinarians. The featured reviews look to improve antimicrobial stewardship in farmed animals, prepare animal owners and their veterinarians for upcoming policy and regulatory changes, and preserve the efficacy of antimicrobials without compromising animal health or food safety. The reviews are presented as online learning modules featuring interactive tools and practical resources. Producers can review and learn at their own pace.