FSIS grants modified waivers to poultry establishments


FSIS conducted granted modified line speed waivers to eligible establishments that provided worker safety information after the agency conducted a study on worker safety in select poultry facilites.

A team of third-party worker-safety experts measured the impact of increased line speeds on worker safety as part of the study, according to a release from the agency.

FSIS completed its evaluation of the submissions and issued letters granting the modified line speed waivers. The worker safety experts will complete data analysis and send their draft report to FSIS during the period of the modified line speed waivers, which will last until March 31, 2024. The list of establishments receiving modified line speed waivers is available on FSIS’ website.

In addition, FSIS is ending the existing young chicken line speed waiver program at the start of the modified waiver program.

The U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia granted USDA’s motion for voluntary remand in January 2022, allowing them to reconsider the poultry line speed waiver program in light of time-limited trials implemented for certain swine establishments participating in the New Swine Slaughter Inspection System.