Global Egg Nutrition Expert Group Formed


The International Egg Nutrition Centre (IENC) has announced the formation of the Global Egg Nutrition Expert Group which will focus on developing, collating and optimising research on the nutritional value of eggs, to ensure the information is readily available to all.

The group, which has been formed in line with two of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Zero Hunger, and Good Health and Wellbeing, will look to collate balanced information on the nutritional impact of the egg. This will be disseminated to stakeholders across the globe, from producers through to health professionals and consumers.

Speaking on the creation of the Global Egg Nutrition Expert Group, Tim Lambert, Group Chair and IEC President said, “The egg is a fantastic nutritional product, which can support healthy balanced diets throughout the developed and developing world.

“The formation of the Global Egg Nutrition Expert Group is an important initiative for the egg value chain, which will advance the global industry by ensuring the latest research on the nutritional value of the egg is accessible for all.”

Made up of nine leading scientists, nutritionists and industry representatives, the group will advise and provide human nutrition input into the World Egg Organisation programmes, including its charitable arm, the International Egg Foundation.

“We are really pleased to be able to bring together such a diverse range of top nutritional minds with experience which expands across continents and throughout both developed and developing nations,” explains Tim.

“The collective expertise of this group will assist the development of key resources to support the global understanding of the nutritional impact of the egg, helping to overcome misinformation.

“This is a really exciting initiative for the IENC, and one which can have a positive impact on so many lives through the promotion and dissemination of the latest scientific research and evidence,” concludes Tim.

To find out more about the IENC please click here.