Grand opening held for new Tyson feed mill in Storm Lake


Tyson Foods is operating a new feed mill in northwest Iowa.

It’s a replacement feed mill and adds 69 acres to Tyson’s turkey complex in Storm Lake. Nearly six dozen farmers within a 60 mile radius of the community supply the majority of turkeys processed at the company’s Storm Lake plant. Joe Hedden, Tyson’s Associate Director of Live Operations in Storm Lake, says the mill is providing high-quality feed for the turkeys.

“It gives us some great opportunities to help with the bird quality and animal welfare,” Hedden says, “and overall, all around it was a great decision.”

The company’s turkey plant is operating at full capacity. “We’ve got three full shifts,” Hedden says. “It’s just the best thing that we’ve done is to open up a new feed mill here.”

Tyson also operates a pork processing facility in Storm Lake and about 3000 people are employed at the company’s pork and turkey plants in Storm Lake. Tyson held an official opening for the towering feed mill today, but it’s been operating for several months.

The most recent data available indicates Iowa has more than 400 mills that grind grain and soybeans into specialized feed for livestock and poultry.