Herbruck’s cuts ribbon on new solar array


Egg producer Herbruck’s Poultry Rank on Tuesday showed off its new solar array near Ionia, which it says will help power its larger sustainability efforts, with a ribbon-cutting ceremony Tuesday.

Herbruck’s Green Meadows Organic has been producing cage-free eggs and turning chicken excrement into fertilizers since 2008. But it says it takes energy to save energy and be sustainable. The 8-acre solar array will produce enough electricity to cut its energy consumption by 25%.

“In addition to this, we’re looking across the entire company on ways that we can be better stewards of what the Lord’s given us,” senior manager of operations Cody Herbruck said. “And so we are looking at solar at a couple of our other facilities here in Ionia County, and we’re excited to move forward.”

Herbruck’s teamed up with Consumer’s Energy parent CMS Energy and EPC Partners on the project.