How to evaluate footpad dermatitis (FPD) in turkeys on-farm to improve bird welfare and income


Do you know, that approximately 95% of market turkeys have abnormal footpads including severe lesions and ulcers that can influence the feed to gain ratio, and leg trims at the processing plant?

This video introduces you to footpad dermatitis in turkeys, which is an important welfare indicator as severe lesions are associated with pain. Fully loaded with practical tips, we show you how to check for FPD lesions, how can you decrease the FPD lesions on your farm through management in order to improve your birds’ welfare and your income.

Writer, content specialist and featured animal handler
Gabi Furo, PhD Candidate, Department of Animal Science

Producer, editor, videographer and narrator
Abby Schuft, Extension educator – poultry

Animal handler
Scott Welch, animal care technician – retired

Content advisor
Sally Noll, PhD, Professor and Extension poultry specialist