Poultry production has shown increased advances in recent decades, especially in nutrition, genetics, and health allowing the birds to expose all their genetic potential for converting feed into meat.
The goal of the poultry chain is production in quantity and quality, aiming to meet the demand for animal protein supply and better efficiency of the production system. However, the final product is not the live chicken that is delivered to the slaughterhouse platform, but rather the carcass that is packaged to sell.
However, factors such as chick quality, bone development, growth speed, age at slaughter, sex, stocking rate, fasting time, catch birds, transportation, temperature, hanging, stunning, scalding and cooling affect the composition and meat quality.
In this way, we will discuss the factors that influence carcass quality of broiler chickens, which, for the most part, can mostly be controlled at various stages of management, pre-slaughter or during slaughter and processing.
Speaker: Liris Kindlein, MdV., Dra., Professor Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – Brazil