International Poultry Welfare Alliance Unveils Progressive Bird Welfare Standards


Affirming that a short life can still be a good life, the International Poultry Welfare Alliance (IPWA), a collective of 90 organizations dedicated to the welfare of chickens and turkeys intended for consumption, has recently disclosed a set of comprehensive guidelines. These guidelines empower producers to meet the IPWA’s “key welfare indicators” for ensuring the health and well-being of birds throughout their lifespan. The organization’s objective is to establish science-based standards for bird health and safety.

For instance, the key welfare indicators for turkeys encompass considerations such as air quality, humidity, and ventilation. The guidelines also outline specific training protocols for workers to assess air quality, along with practical and cost-effective steps producers can take to enhance conditions. One example is the recommendation of blackout blinds to mitigate noonday heat and improve air quality.

These guidelines offer a structured framework for metrics that producers can monitor, assessing crucial flock outcomes essential for business performance, including mortality rates. Developed collaboratively by IPWA members, which include production managers, business owners, and veterinarians, these guidelines represent a significant step toward elevating industry standards and promoting the well-being of poultry in the care of the International Poultry Welfare Alliance.