July Sees 2% Year-Over-Year Rise in Poultry Production, NASS Reports


Poultry production in July of this year reached an impressive 4.20 billion pounds, marking a notable 2% increase compared to the same period last year, according to the latest report from the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS).

Looking back at the revised data for June 2023, the certified total stood at 4.52 billion pounds, aligning with the 2% rise from June 2022. This revised figure signifies an uptick of 19.9 million pounds when compared to the preliminary certified weight reported last month.

Throughout July 2023, the preliminary aggregate live weight of poultry subject to federal inspection exceeded 5.53 billion pounds, showcasing a significant 2% surge from the 5.44 billion pounds reported during the corresponding period the previous year. In particular, inspections for young chickens contributed to an impressive 4.90 billion pounds, representing a steady 1% increase from the figures reported in July 2022. Meanwhile, mature chickens made a noteworthy contribution of 71.7 million pounds, demonstrating an impressive 11% surge from the previous year’s data.

The inspections for turkeys in July 2023 amassed a total of 543 million pounds, exhibiting substantial growth of 10% compared to the numbers recorded a year ago. Additionally, the duck category displayed a notable upswing, accounting for 16.0 million pounds, signifying an impressive 20% increase from the previous year.

Analyzing the finer details, the average live weight of young chickens that were slaughtered in July 2023 was recorded at 6.46 pounds per bird, indicating a slight yet noteworthy increase from the data collected in July 2022. On the other hand, mature chickens displayed an average live weight of 7.23 pounds per bird, marking a modest 1% uptick from the figures reported in the preceding year. In the case of turkeys that underwent slaughter in July 2023, the average weight per bird was calculated at 31.9 pounds, showcasing a commendable 4% increase from the data reported in July 2022.

Addressing concerns over condemnations, the NASS report highlighted that ante-mortem condemnations reached a total of 13.4 million pounds during July 2023. This accounted for about 0.24% of the live weight inspected, representing a decrease from the 0.26% figure recorded the previous year. Meanwhile, post-mortem condemnations summed up to 24.1 million pounds, which is equivalent to 0.57% of the quantities inspected. Although slightly higher than the 0.56% reported a year earlier, this increase remains within a reasonable margin.

The data presented in the NASS report for July 2023 indicates a positive trajectory in poultry production and consumption, with several key metrics demonstrating growth compared to the previous year.