Lakeview Poultry LLC Recognized for Environmental Excellence by USPOULTRY


Lakeview Poultry LLC in Versailles, Mo., was one of three farms across the U.S. to receive the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association’s (USPOULTRY) Family Farm Environmental Excellence Award during the 2025 International Production & Processing Expo in Atlanta. USPOULTRY sponsors the annual awards for exemplary environmental stewardship by family farmers engaged in poultry and egg production.

Applicants were rated in several categories: nutrient management planning, implementation of novel sustainability practices, community involvement, innovative litter or manure management techniques, and participation in education or outreach programs. A team of environmental professionals from universities, regulatory agencies, and state poultry associations reviewed applications and conducted farm visits.

Kenneth and Elaine Nolt have raised four 13,000 bird flocks of tom turkeys per year for the past 20 years. Kenneth’s interest in raising turkeys originated at an early age when a co-worker began raising turkeys for Cargill. It would take years, but Kenneth’s calling to work in the turkey industry was finally realized when Kenneth, Elaine and their three children moved back to Missouri in 2004.

With sustainability in mind, in 2020, Kenneth installed 80,000 BTU quad stoves to better control heat within the barn. Through this upgrade, the Nolts have seen a 20% increase in fuel efficiency. Kenneth also installed automatic vents and a curtain pocket to reduce fan run time and propane usage. As lighting is so important to turkey performance, in 2023, Kenneth implemented LED lighting to improve the well-being of the turkeys and increase energy efficiency.

To track and maintain the health of the soil on his farm, Kenneth regularly tests his soil. By measuring the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium levels, Kenneth can make educated management decisions to enhance his soil performance. Careful not to overapply nutrients, these soil tests provide Kenneth with guidance on when and how much litter is sold to litter brokers for use on neighboring farms.

Practicing smart farm stewardship, Kenneth’s family focuses on the health of the farm’s ecosystem. This past summer, the Nolts’ youngest son built his own honeybee hive. Besides raising bees for honey, they understand the benefits that native pollinators provide for a variety of agricultural crops and native plants. This implementation on the farm will provide pollinators with the opportunity to increase their population while also expanding biodiversity. This is a project the Nolts hope to continue and expand.

Bill Griffith, chief operations officer for Peco Foods and USPOULTRY vice chair, presented the award to the Nolt family.

Source: US Poultry & Egg Association